Our entire system of government was based on the give and take, the exchange of ideas, and the use of compromise to bridge difference
s to develop solutions to complex issues. Now that there has been an element introduced that is utterly opposed to compromise
, we have a problem. This is a classic example of a small group of individual
s blocking the progress of the masses via disproport
ionate power. Because the GOP are backed by hazy billioniar
es and corporatio
ns, they have a huge "megaphone
" with which to dazzle the disaffecte
d and ignorant. it is the old "if you can't dazzle them with brilliance
, baffle them with bulls
Finally the GOP has gone too far. There little game of taking down a president is starting to backfire. I am voting for Obama.
http://seekingadventurequest.blogspot.com/Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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