At a time when the Chinese are making vast investment
s in their economy and infrastruc
ture, and graduating more scientists and engineers than we have in our entire history, when they are proceeding at breakneck speeds to capture key industries and technologi
es, the RepubliKla
n TEA Trash want us to do the opposite here at home. They want us STARVE our way back to prosperity
. They want us to extend tax breaks for corporatio
ns that outsource American jobs. They want us to cut educationa
l opportunit
ies for the next generation
. They think the best way to achieve prosperity is to allow Big Oil to poison our drinking water and the air we breathe.
The rise of the TEA Trash in America is the greatest gift to China that the Chinese could ever hope to ask for.
http://seekingadventurequest.blogspot.com/Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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