s have become incompeten
t at governance because they are so rigidly ideologica
l that they are incapable of responding to the changing facts and new realities of todays world.
They prefer clinging to their extremist and oligarchic
al fantasies like "trickle down" economics, tax breaks for the ultra rich and powerful corporatio
ns and an outdated, unpopular and rigid social agenda rather than deal with the real world that we now live in.
Make no mistake people, todays Republican party is NOT filled with real conservati
ves and does not espouse real conservati
ve values, it is home to increasing
ly irrational and radical extremism and the voters ARE beginning to see this.
s will continue to attack those who need protection
. They will continue to attack us, because they only obey money and the powerful.
Way to go Democrats!
http://seekingadventurequest.blogspot.comRead the Article at HuffingtonPost
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