"Nobody — nobody — wants to see the government shut down," said Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.). "In the meantime, if you can score some political points, you score them."
This is strictly a political game that the Republican
s are playing. The GOP took over two years ago on a JOBS agendas, and we have yet to see any jobs, except cutting funding to government
, and NO to everything from John Boehner. Does this sound familiar to you from everything from the budget to the debt ceiling. Water-boys for ultra-weal
thy wing nuts and kooks who don't give a damn about the country, only returning to power.
Our entire system of government was based on the give and take, the exchange of ideas, and the use of compromise to bridge difference
s to develop solutions to complex issues. Now that there has been an element introduced that is utterly opposed to compromise
, we have a problem.
((The Republican machine)) must be stopped at the voting booth.
http://seekingadventurequest.blogspot.comRead the Article at HuffingtonPost
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