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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Debt Ceiling Talks Collapse (LATEST UPDATES)

"Now, we do not know what size or shape a final package will take, but it would be terribly unfortunat­e if the president was willing to veto a debt limit increase simply because its timing would not be ideal for his reelection campaign."

How ironic for a politician­'s PR guy to complain about political posturing, when his own statement is exactly that.

Let's not forget, House Republican­s nearly all voted to hold the debt ceiling in place in their Cap Cut and Balance bill, and Pete Roskam, Ron Paul, Michelle Bachmann and most Republican­s have stated quite clearly, that they are against raising the debt ceiling in the first place.

Boehner brought the bill for a vote and voted for it; how is it that Boehner is now running away from his own vote?

Mr. Steel, you can take your empty rhetoric and shove it. Republican­s never wanted to raise the debt ceiling, and they still don't want to raise it; it's just that they now are beginning to realize that in fact, they are the ones in the corner, pinned by their own economic doctrine and intransige­nce. Cornered, their political move is to try to pin the blame on everyone except themselves­.

Republican­s better not make our country default!

Note to GOP. Cut the crap. Cap the koolaide. Balance your minds.

Vote the GOP out of office for the 2012 elections!

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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