I blame the GOP. If they worked with Obama then perhaps the country would be doing better. They ran on jobs and haven't produced any jobs bill since being elected. Just goes to show you that "The Big Lie" technique works for rethuglica
ns. Car sales are up. Unemployme
nt numbers are slowly trending positive. But, the sky is falling according to the clown show. It took 10 years to begin coming out of the Great Depression
Can you believe republican
s had the nerve to go on national TV and threaten a first ever United States default?
The republican
's sole efforts of protecting wall street and carrying the water for large money hoarding tax dodging corporatio
ns, while blocking any and all suggestion
s this president makes - even those that agree with their own policies! - is hopefully being seen by the American people for what it is.... A party *obsessed* with it's own political interests and that of their corporate benefactor
s; at the expense of the American people begging them to cooperate in finding solutions to the economic problems that plague this nation.
What have the Republican
s brought to the table, NOTHING!
All the GOP does is obstruct progress.
It makes you wonder who the GOP really represents
The USA or the GOP?
http://seekingadventurequest.blogspot.com/Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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