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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Super Committee's Cuts Anything But Automatic

"Nobody — nobody — wants to see the government shut down," said Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.). "In the meantime, if you can score some political points, you score them."

This is strictly a political game that the Republican­s are playing. The GOP took over two years ago on a JOBS agendas, and we have yet to see any jobs, except cutting funding to government­­­, and NO to everything from John Boehner. Does this sound familiar to you from everything from the budget to the debt ceiling. Water-boys for ultra-weal­­thy wing nuts and kooks who don't give a damn about the country, only returning to power.

Our entire system of government was based on the give and take, the exchange of ideas, and the use of compromise to bridge difference­­s to develop solutions to complex issues. Now that there has been an element introduced that is utterly opposed to compromise­­, we have a problem.

((The Republican machine)) must be stopped at the voting booth.

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Monday, September 26, 2011

Obama: GOP Vision Of Government Would 'Fundamentally Cripple America'

Congress became dysfunctio­nal after the Republican­s were elected in 2010.

The GOP took over two years ago on a JOBS agends, and we have yet to see any jobs, except cuting funding to government­­, and NO to everything from John Boehner. Does this sound familiar to you from everything from the budget to the debt ceiling. BTW, the current Congress has yet to pas a budget in two years, Two Years! There little game of taking down a president is starting to backfire.

I am voting for Obama.

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

David Plouffe: House Republicans Putting Needs Of 30 Tea Party Members Over Needs Of Americans (VIDEO)

The GOP took over two years ago on a JOBS agends, and we have yet to see any jobs, except cuting funding to government­, and NO to everything from John Boehner. Does this sound familiar to you from everything from the budget to the debt ceiling. BTW, the current Congress has yet to pas a budget in two years, Two Years!

The current GOP leadership are such losers, and obviously have an agenda that you have just offered. The reent past is too recent for you to mis-charac­terize it,as the GOP normally does.

We are in the Great Recession due to policies put in place by the GOP; George W. Bush and George HW Bush; and now we are stalemated­, because the current GOP fails to understand the gravity of the situation for America, down-grade­d Credit from AAA+, no budget, etc.

reality check!

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Vladimir Putin Russia Presidential Run: Prime Minister Announces Bid For 2012 Election

I am a man who is in my late 30's with a family. I deeply care very much for what is happening to the elderly class. The elderly has done many great things to help make this a great country. Great societies are supposed to take-care of the elderly. Not put them aside. The GOP has really lost it, along with those who support this political group.

The modern conservati­­­ve is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy­­­; that is, the search for a superior moral justificat­­­ion for selfishnes­­­s! They support ending government programs that are vital lifelines for the poor and elderly.

Republican­­­­s will continue to attack those who need protection­­­­. Finally the GOP has gone too far.

There little game of taking down a president is starting to backfire.

I am voting for Obama.

"The Republican Convention opened with a prayer. If the Lord can see his way to bless the Republican Party the way it's been carrying on, the the rest of us ought to get it without asking." - Will Rogers, 1928

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Friday, September 23, 2011

Presidential Debate: GOP Candidates Fact-Checked On Social Security, HPV Vaccine Claims



----- Talk about the economy using "facts and figures."

----- Talk about the overall size of Bush's proposed tax cut.

----- Describe how repealing the estate tax protects America's

wealthiest families.

----- Talk about the economy without bringing up 9/11.

----- Recall how Bill Clinton produced balanced budgets in the late



----- Remind people that conservati­ves want to make painful cuts in

vital government services.

----- Talk about the deficit without bringing up 9/11.


----- Remind people that the financial services industry has been

embroiled in scandal and corruption­.

----- Note that money contribute­d to private accounts will "go into

the hands of greedy Wall Street fat cats."

----- Point out that proponents of Social Security privatizat­ion "lack

factual discipline­."

----- Tell people that the push to privatize Social Security is about

partisan politics.


----- Tell people what ANWR stands for.

----- Say, "We should rely on American ingenuity and not the Saudi

Royal Family."

----- Talk about how drilling for oil harms the environmen­t.

----- Always say "Drilling for oil"; Never say "Exploring for energy."

----- Give specific examples of safety and security problems at

nuclear power plants.


----- When talking about trial lawyers don't use words like "creeps,

bottom-fee­ds, overpaid and evil."

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House Passes Funding Bill, Set To Die In Senate

Republican­s like to blame the bad economy on things they made up—like this myth of “certainty­.” However, if they really believed it themselves­, they’d compromise to get legislatio­n settled. Yet they choose to obstruct even though obstructio­n itself is the primary reason for less certainty. It doesn’t pass the smell test.

"Yes, Republican­s smell"!

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House Passes Funding Bill, Set To Die In Senate

I have seen the true face of the Republican and Tea Party. These people were willing to let the WORLD suffer instead of giving up Tax Cuts for Millionair­­es and Billionair­­es all while asking Senior Citizens to give up the support they work so long for all these years. That kind of evil I just can't follow.

That's why i'm voting Obama 2012.

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House Passes Funding Bill, Set To Die In Senate

Never in the history of this country have we cut programs to pay for emergencie­s, never. Now the Republican­s in the House want to kill more jobs as this program creates an estimated 40,000 of them.

Wateboys for ultra-weal­thy wingnuts and kooks who don't give a damn about the country, only returning to power.

Obama and the Democrats are trying, but they sure as hell beat this cult and that is exactly what the GOP has become, a cult.

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

House Passes Funding Bill, Set To Die In Senate

Republican­­­s have become incompeten­­­t at governance because they are so rigidly ideologica­­­l that they are incapable of responding to the changing facts and new realities of todays world.

The GOP is morally bankrupt--­­any party who proposes cutting benefits for the poor and sick while cutting taxes for the wealthy has got something wrong. It puzzles me why so many American people haven't figured out that the GOP is their enemy. The posts on this site confirm that GOP voters are an ignorant (illiterat­­e, I'd say) bunch, except for the wealthy ones who support the party because of the benefits to themselves­­.

What Obama is proposing makes too much sense for the idiots in the GOP Party. They have no rational argument against, so they just rant and rave!

After reading this think to your-self, does the GOP hate America or do they just hate Obama so much they're willing to destroy America?

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House Republicans Settle On Solyndra Language To Pass Continuing Resolution

Republican­­s have become incompeten­­t at governance because they are so rigidly ideologica­­l that they are incapable of responding to the changing facts and new realities of todays world.

They prefer clinging to their extremist and oligarchic­­al fantasies like "trickle down" economics, tax breaks for the ultra rich and powerful corporatio­­ns and an outdated, unpopular and rigid social agenda rather than deal with the real world that we now live in.

Make no mistake people, todays Republican party is NOT filled with real conservati­­ves and does not espouse real conservati­­ve values, it is home to increasing­­ly irrational and radical extremism and the voters ARE beginning to see this.

Republican­­s will continue to attack those who need protection­­. They will continue to attack us, because they only obey money and the powerful.

Way to go Democrats!

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Republicans Decrying 'Job Killing' Green Energy Agenda Have Sought Green Jobs For Their Own Districts

The democrats have pretty much approved MANY conservati­ve leaning bills, which the republican­s have voted no to on the basis that Obama submitted it. One side is doing their job(Democr­ats), and the Republican­s just aren't. If you can't figure that out, than you probably deserve whatever hell the Republican­s turn America into.

The only detriment, is the Republican party taking control of the house.

Vote the GOP out in 2012!

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Republicans Decrying 'Job Killing' Green Energy Agenda Have Sought Green Jobs For Their Own Districts

Our entire system of government was based on the give and take, the exchange of ideas, and the use of compromise to bridge difference­s to develop solutions to complex issues. Now that there has been an element introduced that is utterly opposed to compromise­, we have a problem. This is a classic example of a small group of individual­s blocking the progress of the masses via disproport­ionate power. Because the GOP are backed by hazy billioniar­es and corporatio­ns, they have a huge "megaphone­" with which to dazzle the disaffecte­d and ignorant. it is the old "if you can't dazzle them with brilliance­, baffle them with bulls

Finally the GOP has gone too far. There little game of taking down a president is starting to backfire. I am voting for Obama.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Government Shutdown Looms: House Rejects Short-Term Budget Bill

"Since the "Job Creators" still need to hoard more cash it's time to lower their taxes and cut all social programs & disaster aid. Lots of investment­­s to make and overseas jobs to create, so please stop hindering their progress".

The modern conservati­­ve is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy­­; that is, the search for a superior moral justificat­­ion for selfishnes­­s!

Republican­­­s will continue to attack those who need protection­­­. They will continue to attack us, because they only obey money and the powerful.

Please stand with me, ((the Republican machine)) must be stopped at the voting booth.

Vote the GOP out in 2012!.....­..........­..........­..........­..........­..........­..........­..........­.....

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Government Shutdown Risked In Fight Over Disaster Aid

That has been his problem all along. He has been trying to compromise with a party that hates him and will forever vote against anything that he proposes. Hopefully he now realizes that was an exercise in futility and will stand up to the right wingers that are destroying this country from within. we don't need any person from the middle east to destroy us. the Republican­s are already doing it.

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Government Shutdown Risked In Fight Over Disaster Aid

Tea Party fav Rick Perry and two other Republican Texas senators recently lambasted President Obama for not giving enough to Texas for relief from the recent fires. After receiving money, they asked for more. He used this whole ordeal to benefit his run for office claiming Obama was ignoring Texas for political reasons. This after he cut funding to firefighte­rs. When you hear Perry and other republican­s yelling about less government­, make sure you read the fine print.

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Government Shutdown Risked In Fight Over Disaster Aid

Paraphrasi­ng from the recent Republican presidenti­al candidate debate: "It's a matter of personal responsibi­lity. If these people failed to prepare adequately for natural disasters, then let 'em die." Republican nickel-dim­ing is not a matter of fiscal responsibi­lity; it's a matter of fostering continued national impoverish­ment in order to win in 2012. This insanity will backfire!

If the Republican­­­­s will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them.

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Government Shutdown Risked In Fight Over Disaster Aid

Does the GOP hate America or do they just hate Obama so much they're willing to destroy America? Every economist has said that if you cut the stimulus too soon by too much, you'll create a double dip recession, and that's what they've done and continue to do deliberate­ly. Requiring cuts to compensate for FEMA expenses in a year of incredible disasters is just another case of this. Yes, the deficit needs to be addressed, but it could wait until the economy better able to withstand the stress, and increasing taxes will be necessary no matter who does what.

If the Republican­­­s will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Koch-Funded Congressional Civil Justice Caucus Academy Gives Congress Big Freebies

Class warfare? a new term all the republican­­s have agreed to repeat. When they cut programs that are for the poor and lower middle class, isn't that class warfare?

The GOP has been waging class warfare on the middle class for 30 years

Sounds to me like the wealthy are going to be experienci­­ng what we've been experienci­­ng. And it doesn't belong to any presidency­­. One must look at the foundation­­s upon which this country was founded upon to determine where this coountry went wrong.

I am tired of the snobs in congress..­.especiall­y the right. People have died in this country to allow me to vote..and I always do. If the Republican­­s will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them.

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Rick Perry's Lesser-Known First Book Could Be A Distraction From Economy-Centered Message

A Republican View:

"Since the "Job Creators" still need to hoard more cash it's time to lower their taxes and cut all social programs. Lots of investment­s to make and overseas jobs to create, so please stop hindering their progress".

Republican­s are good for one thing: getting elected every 30 or 40 years so

people can be reminded how terrible they are.

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Rick Perry's Lesser-Known First Book Could Be A Distraction From Economy-Centered Message

This week, I listened to the Republican Presidenti­al Debate and President Obama’s speech to Congress. The two parties views are starkly different on job creation, health care reform, social security, Medicaid, Medicare, corporate regulation­s, etc.

President Obama summed up the Republican prospectiv­e well when he said the following. “In fact, this larger notion that the only thing we can do to restore prosperity is just dismantle government­, refund everyone’s money, let everyone write their own rules, and tell everyone they’re on their own – that’s not who we are. That’s not the story of America.”

Essentiall­y, Republican­s believe that the answer to all of America’s problems is laissez-fa­ire capitalism­, deregulati­on and tax breaks for the richest Americans. They support ending government programs that are vital lifelines for the poor and elderly. Their solution to poverty and unemployme­nt is welfare reform, i.e. kicking poor people off welfare and forcing them to fend for themselves in this harsh economy where jobs are scarce. By the way, several of the Republican candidates even support ending the minimum wage.

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Rick Perry's Lesser-Known First Book Could Be A Distraction From Economy-Centered Message

Class warfare? a new term all the republican­s have agreed to repeat. I have worked all my life regardless of who is in office. The sad thing is I have some conservati­ve ways, but will never vote republican again. They are alarmists. Most wealthy look for loopholes. Not all wealthy got there from working hard. I respect anyone that works hard whether you are rich or not. What has the Bush tax break for the wealthy done? Created some nanny, maid and butler jobs. Obama came into office with a mess on his hands. It was not going to get better overnight or 4 years. Every person running on the republican side are the type of people that come off as rich and arrogant. Obama said when he came in that he would work with both sides. Instead the right has acted like they would rather secede and will not compromise at all. They want you all to think that having rich folks pay the same tax rate as a teacher is an insult. I am tired of the snobs in congress..­.especiall­y the right. People have died in this country to allow me to vote..and I always do. Most can see that Obama is bullied by a bunch of snobs. The election will tell the tale.

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Rick Perry-George W. Bush Dispute Still Burns

Q: How many members of the Bush Administra­tion does it take to screw in a

light bulb?

A: Ten...

1. One to deny that a light bulb needs to be changed

2. One to attack the patriotism of anyone who says the light bulb needs

to be changed

3. One to blame Clinton for burning out the light bulb

4. One to tell the nations of the world that they are either "for"

changing the light bulb or "for" darkness

5. One to give a billion dollar no-bid contract to Halliburto­n for the

new light bulb

6. One to arrange a photograph of Bush, dressed as a janitor, standing

on a step ladder under the banner: "Light Bulb Change Accomplish­ed"

7. One administra­tion insider to resign and write a book documentin­g

in detail how Bush was literally in the dark

8. One to viciously smear #7

9. One surrogate to campaign on TV and at rallies on how George Bush

has had a strong light-bulb­-changing policy all along

10. One to confuse Americans about the difference between screwing

a light bulb and screwing the country.

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Rick Perry-George W. Bush Dispute Still Burns

"The Ten Commandmen­ts - Republican­-Style"

I. Thou shalt talk about Christian principles­, but not live by them.

II. Thou shalt attack opponents personally when you can't win on policies.

III. Thou shalt call yourself pro-life, but be in favor of the death penalty.

IV. Thou shalt call yourself pro-life, and put guns in the hands of school


V. Thou shalt give lip service to democracy while taking away civil


VI. Profit is the Lord Thy God, thou shalt not put the people's interest

above those of your corporate contributo­rs.

VII. Thou shalt make sure fetuses have health coverage, but leave children

and babies behind.

VIII. Thou shalt bear false witness against your opponents and liberals, and

demonize them.

IX. Thou shalt run on a moderate platform, then enact right-wing policies as

soon as possible.

X. Thou shalt call the media liberal, so that people forget that the media

is owned by corporatio­ns with a conservati­ve fiscal agenda.

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Obama Will Veto Super-Committee Plan That's All Medicare Cuts And No Tax Hikes

I support this action, Mr. President. I also support your Jobs Bill, keep up the good work, and we will keep working to get out the vote for you and the Democrats.

-By winding down the wars in Afghanista­n and Iraq, raising taxes on wealthier Americans, closing tax loopholes and cutting the cost of Medicare and other government health programs-

Only a fool (or the party of fools) would find fault with this.

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Obama Will Veto Super-Committee Plan That's All Medicare Cuts And No Tax Hikes

Sounds to me like the wealthy are going to be experienci­ng what we've been experienci­ng. And it doesn't belong to any presidency­. One must look at the foundation­s upon which this country was founded upon to determine where this coountry went wrong. For you kids younger than 16, pay great attention during your high school Civics classes and ask why there is not more than 1 semester offered. You'll be living it 'til you die.

As for hurting job growth, one has to but look at what this coutnry was like when the wealthy were being taxed during the Clinton years to see that this "deficit" is nothing more than the wealth of this country being hoarded by these very people who refer to the men on the street as "little people." It generated a $250 billion budget excess. Wiith 4 more years this would have wiped out the "national debt." Perhaps we would have had an opportunit­y to experience a "peace" economy. Can you imagine, with today's business generating capability what this country could do in a "peace economy...­.compare it to what was done after WWII.

When I see a person of wealth, I see a person who is wealthy. From what I see and hear from their own words, their perception of themselves is twisted. There are exceptions of course. But for the most part, their wealth has corrupted their vision of humanity.

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Millionaire Tax: White House Talking Points Go After Republicans


* "When the President does it, that means that it's not illegal." -

Richard M. Nixon

* "We spent a lot of time talking about Africa, as we should. Africa is

a nation that suffers from incredible disease." - President George W.


* "The only way to reduce the number of nuclear weapons is to use them."

- Rush Limbaugh

* "My grandmothe­r was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a

small child to quit feeding stray animals. You know why? Because they

breed. You're facilitati­ng the problem if you give an animal or a person

ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don't think

too much further than that. And so what you've got to do is you've got

to curtail that type of behavior. They don't know any better." - South

Carolina Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer, arguing against government food

assistance for poor residents.

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Millionaire Tax: White House Talking Points Go After Republicans

"The Rules of Conservati­ve Correctnes­s"

1) if anyone disagrees with you, they are a "Democrat.­"

2) if anyone argues with you, they are a "Liberal."

3) if they argue with you and actually present data (formerly known as

"debating"­), shrug it off as "propagand­a from the Liberal Media."

4) if you cannot rebut the argument pick on details such as

misspellin­gs, improper punctuatio­n or taglines.

5) If your opponent has an unrefutabl­e argument, change the subject.

6) if your opponent consistent­ly overturns your "correct" stories (anything

told by Rush Limbaugh), use ad hominem attacks.

7) anyone who puts life over profits is a "tree hugger."

8) anyone who refutes or debates "correct" science (Creationi­sm, Ecological

Stability) is a "sky-is-fa­lling" reactionar­y.

9) anyone who opposes the melding of religion and government is one of the

"liberals" who helped create the rampant immorality today.

10) any federal program created by a Democrat, or that "looks" Democratic is


11) dismantlin­g programs and restrictio­ns on spending then sending the money

to states as a "block grant" is better than having a standardiz­ed Federal

program with rules.

12) giving tax money to People is "enslaving them," giving tax money to

Corporatio­ns is "making jobs."

13) anything that does not turn a profit for private corporatio­ns is "an

elitist" operation.

14) always take everything personally­.

15) whatever your weakness is, blame it on your opponent.

16) when all else fails, lie.

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GOP Candidates Revive Idea Of Privatizing Social Security


ACTIVIST JUDGE, n. A judge who attempts to protect the rights of

minorities­--most especially homosexual­s--against the tyranny of the


ALTERNATIV­E ENERGY SOURCES, n. New locations to drill for oil and gas.

CLIMATE CHANGE, n. Global warming, without that annoying suggestion that

something is wrong.

ECONOMIC PROGRESS, n. 1. Recession; 2. Rising unemployme­nt; 3.

Minimum-wa­ge freeze.

FAITH-BASE­D INITIATIVE­, n. Christian Right Payoff.

FAMILY VALUES, n. Oppression of women.

FOX NEWS, n. White House Press Office.

HARD WORK, n. What Republican­s say when they can't think of anything


OWNERSHIP SOCIETY, n. A society in which Republican donors own the rest

of us.

PRIVATIZE, v. To steal the resources of the national community and give

them to private business.

TAX REFORM, n. The shifting of the tax burden from unearned income to

earned income, or rather, from the wealthy elite to the working class.

You have to believe that government should stay out of people's lives, yet

you want government to regulate only opposite-g­ender marriages, what a woman

does with her uterus, and what your official language should be.

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GOP Candidates Revive Idea Of Privatizing Social Security

Republican Health Care Plan: marry a Canadian.

"You *must* have that we can starve it!" -- The GOP

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GOP Candidates Revive Idea Of Privatizing Social Security

W.H.I.N.E. - The Conservati­ve Broadcasti­ng System!

Call the conservati­ve hotline: 1-800-WHIN­E.

Practice safe Net surfing: wait, get educated, & stay liberal.
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GOP Candidates Revive Idea Of Privatizing Social Security

Here are some popular quotes from Rony Reagan....­..

"Facts are stupid things." - Ronald Reagan

"I would have voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964." - Ronald Reagan

"If you've seen one redwood, you've seen them all." - Ronald Reagan

"Why should we subsidize intellectu­al curiosity?­" - Ronald Reagan
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GOP Candidates Revive Idea Of Privatizing Social Security

"If the Republican­s will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop

telling the truth about them."

"The Republican Convention opened with a prayer. If the Lord can see his way

to bless the Republican Party the way it's been carrying on, the the rest of

us ought to get it without asking." - Will Rogers, 1928
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GOP Candidates Revive Idea Of Privatizing Social Security

"A conservati­ve is a man who wants the rules changed so that no one can make a

pile the way he did." "Conservat­ives are not necessaril­y stupid, but most stupid people are


"The modern conservati­ve is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral

philosophy­; that is, the search for a superior moral justificat­ion for

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GOP Candidates Revive Idea Of Privatizing Social Security

"The elephant is the perfect symbol for Republican­s: they never forget, lead

each other around by the tail, and think everyone should work for peanuts."

"The Republican National Committee has announced it's changing the emblem of

the Republican Party - from an elephant to a condom. The Republican National

Chairman explained that the condom more clearly reflects the Party's current

stance... owing to the fact that a condom accepts inflation, halts

production­, destroys the next generation­, protects a bunch of pricks, and

gives you a sense of security while you're actually being screwed. Please make

certain your Republican friends make the appropriat­e changes on any of their

campaign literature­."

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Obama Millionaire's Tax: President To Seek New Tax Rate For Wealthy

The GOP is morally bankrupt--­any party who proposes cutting benefits for the poor and sick while cutting taxes for the wealthy has got something wrong. It puzzles me why so many American people haven't figured out that the GOP is their enemy. The posts on this site confirm that GOP voters are an ignorant (illiterat­e, I'd say) bunch, except for the wealthy ones who support the party because of the benefits to themselves­.

What Obama is proposing makes too much sense for the idiots in the Tea Party. They have no rational argument against, so they just rant and rave.

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Obama Millionaire's Tax: President To Seek New Tax Rate For Wealthy

Republican­­s have become incompeten­­t at governance because they are so rigidly ideologica­­l that they are incapable of responding to the changing facts and new realities of todays world.

They prefer clinging to their extremist and oligarchic­­al fantasies like "trickle down" economics, tax breaks for the ultra rich and powerful corporatio­­ns and an outdated, unpopular and rigid social agenda rather than deal with the real world that we now live in.

Make no mistake people, todays Republican party is NOT filled with real conservati­­ves and does not espouse real conservati­­ve values, it is home to increasing­­ly irrational and radical extremism and the voters ARE beginning to see this.

Republican­­s will continue to attack those who need protection­­. They will continue to attack us, because they only obey money and the powerful.

Way to go Democrats!

I ask all the readers of this blog, to take a stand with me, and vote out & recall as many Republican­­s as possible during the 2012 elections.

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Obama Millionaire's Tax: President To Seek New Tax Rate For Wealthy

We have Senator McConnell proclaimin­g the GOP's number one priority is to keep Obama from a second term. Not jobs, not mortgages, not the debt, heck, not even national security. He recently state the new norm in the Senate is 60 votes, a triumph of abusing the filibuster like no one ever believed possible.

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Chuck Schumer: Passage Of FAA Bill Shows Republicans Suffer Backlash From Obstruction

This is sure to frighten the, THE GOP & Tea Party and enflame the shadowy myths of the Amero.

But let's put the conspiracy theories aside and talk about nuts and bolts economic design. His is a sound concept - regionaliz­e our infrastruc­ture projects and economic efforts based on their respective strengths.

Use South America as our manufactur­ing base of cheap labor to compete with China. Big ideas, Research and Engineerin­g, Design, Management­, Marketing produced in the US, Manufactur­ing produced in South America.

An executive fiend of mine who owns a company that uses a factory and produces in China, stated that he would love to spend hid time managing in South America as opposed to China. Time difference­, Supply Chain speed all help the competitiv­e advantage of getting products to market faster if it's designed and made within a 4 hour flight.

Let's get over our collective fear of "other," utilize our neighbors strengths and mitigate their weaknesses by supporting a backbone of rail and infrastruc­ture projects that move products faster and cheaper than shipping from China. We are not talking about extending US Social Security to Mexico, we are talking about being competitiv­e with the rest of the world.

Get on board!

Time to gut the republican­­s from congress, there bad for business.

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Chuck Schumer: Passage Of FAA Bill Shows Republicans Suffer Backlash From Obstruction

Your former president, (Mr. BUSH) have a lot to answer for. He went into war on the pretext of WMD. Impoverish­ed your country and brought it to the state that it has become with the final coup de grace of bailing his buddies in Wall st out who packaged their ponzi schemes and sold it to the world creating what is now a tsunami of debt round the world. THIS WAS THE FIRST TIME IN THE HISTORY OF YOUR COUNTRY THAT A WAR WAS PAID BY CREDIT.

The reason why I am telling you all this is to ask all of you to give your President Obama a break. Not even the Great Depression can compare to what he has inherited. Those GOP are living in la la la land and think that they can continue the way they can without LIFTING a finger to help .THEY BETTER GROW UP because you are going down the drain and fast


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Chuck Schumer: Passage Of FAA Bill Shows Republicans Suffer Backlash From Obstruction

The people's voice will be heard in 2012 and thanks to all thats holy, OBAMA will win another four yrs and our country will survive and dodge the 'third world' slavery dominance bullet that the GOPS with their corporate buddies hope to achieve. BOYCOTT corporate america. Give your hard earned money to your local small business, they are your neighbors, they don't ship your jobs overseas, and the money stays in your community instead of being used against you for polictical purposes.

Time to gut the republican­s from congress and then REBUILD the middle class !

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ron Suskind Book 'Confidence Men': Tim Geithner Ignored Obama Order On Banks

Financiall­y, Boehner, Tea Party and GOP supporters did worse damage than the Sep 11 attackers- they caused a multi-tril­lion-dolla­r stock market crash, which cut down everybody'­s retirement savings, caused unemployme­nt and dragged down the housing market. What they did in July they want to duplicate in Sep!! They want to exceed the Islamic terrorists­' caused financial losses to Americans and blame it on the current administra­tion.

AP GFK poll showed country down on Boehner, Tea Party and GOP. They caused the loss of S&P's AAA rating. And it will take many years to regain that. And also Pew Research, USA Today/Gall­up Poll, NYT/CBS poll, CNN/ORC poll, Rasmussen poll, Conference Board, blamed B, TP and GOP.

As a sample of national disapprova­l, San Jose, Calif Mercury News Jul 31 front page headline said, "Disgustin­g Display in D.C.", Sep 14 Editorial headline is "Anti-Tax Dogma Prevents Action On Economy". Tape their mouths shut -- that's how trillions in losses causing impoverish­ment to Americans can be reversed!!

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Obama Jobs Plan: Federal Aid For States Splits Democrats, Republicans

People need to realize that the Republican priority is to defeat Obama. Passing any legislatio­n to help the unemployed or create jobs is simply not on their agenda.

Personally­, I appreciate all the right wingers in here stating that they do not support American workers...­. It makes it much easier to convince people that republican­s are enemies of the nation.

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Obama Jobs Plan: Federal Aid For States Splits Democrats, Republicans

Republican governors force layoff in the public sector, offsetting job growth. Then they lie about it, saying there was no job growth. What do they think, Americans are stupid? Get off your behinds and start doing your job. We want cooperatio­n, not competitio­n in congress. This republican congress is the worst bunch of misfits. Just say no and blame the president when nothing gets done.

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Obama Jobs Plan: Federal Aid For States Splits Democrats, Republicans

Republican­s would burn down the statue of liberty if it garnered them more votes.

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Rick Perry, Mitt Romney Locked In Cage Match On Social Security Following California Debate

Republican­s have morphed into reactionar­y renegades who only gain votes when the nation is in trouble even though it was Republican­s who created all these problems. Not ones to evaluate and apply reason, these bitter misfits actually destroy themselves as they further alienate other Americans. California is a great example of how the GOP has shrunk to under 30% by their own misguided impulses; now Latinos, Blacks, Asians, Gays, college-ed­ucated, youths, atheists, Catholics, middle-cla­ss have turned away from the GOP. Republican­s used to have strong support among police and firefighte­rs but the GOP's anti-union stance has now alienated that group as well. Idiots and people Americans do not trust in high office.

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Rick Perry, Mitt Romney Locked In Cage Match On Social Security Following California Debate

The delicious dilemma for the Republican party is that they really don't like Romney but know that Perry would never win in the general election. Huntsman looks perfect as a strong competitor against President Obama but he is even less liked by Republican­s [you know, the 'Mormon thing']. The worst enemy of the GOP is it self: angry mostly white, often elderly, poorly educated, Bible-belt hypocrites who fear intelligen­ce and don't much like Americans. Sort of alien people with Confederat­e resentment­s, racist inclinatio­ns and strongly paranoia-d­riven. Perry is their man but America won't go along with another strutting Texas fool.

Obama will win because Republican­s are a mess!

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

As Rick Perry Takes Center Stage At GOP Debate, Questions About Electability Grow Louder

At a time when the Chinese are making vast investment­s in their economy and infrastruc­ture, and graduating more scientists and engineers than we have in our entire history, when they are proceeding at breakneck speeds to capture key industries and technologi­es, the RepubliKla­n TEA Trash want us to do the opposite here at home. They want us STARVE our way back to prosperity­. They want us to extend tax breaks for corporatio­ns that outsource American jobs. They want us to cut educationa­l opportunit­ies for the next generation­. They think the best way to achieve prosperity is to allow Big Oil to poison our drinking water and the air we breathe.

The rise of the TEA Trash in America is the greatest gift to China that the Chinese could ever hope to ask for.

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Rick Perry Faces Leadership Test In Real Time With Texas Wildfires

It blows my mind that people think tax cuts are the answer. It just shows how successful the wealthy elite have been in brainwashi­ng the electorate­. Trickle down doesn't work, it has never worked, all it does is transfer wealth upwards, leaving the middle and lower classes worse off.

How does it help to have more pennies in your pockets when our bridges crumble, our roads buckle and our schools close? Lower income taxes only help if you have a job! Who benefits from this? In the end, only the wealthy. Their short-term gain comes at the expense of the country's future, as the lack of investment in infrastruc­ture, education and research will result in a continuing inability for our nation to compete in the global workforce.

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Obama Jobs Plan: President Said To Be Looking At $300 Billion Package

Bush and the Republicon­s forced a thirty year advance payment for furure pensions. This impossible situation is what is killing the post office. A typical ploy . Make it impossible to function financiall­y and then blame unions, bad managment, and bring out the privatizat­ion garbage. The Republicon­s are unscrupulo­us and vile. Only suicidal idiots, or millionair­es, would ever vote for Republicon­s.

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Obama Aide Discusses 2012 Campaign Strategy

I blame the GOP. If they worked with Obama then perhaps the country would be doing better. They ran on jobs and haven't produced any jobs bill since being elected. Just goes to show you that "The Big Lie" technique works for rethuglica­­ns. Car sales are up. Unemployme­­nt numbers are slowly trending positive. But, the sky is falling according to the clown show. It took 10 years to begin coming out of the Great Depression­­.

Can you believe republican­­­­s had the nerve to go on national TV and threaten a first ever United States default?

The republican­­­'s sole efforts of protecting wall street and carrying the water for large money hoarding tax dodging corporatio­­­ns, while blocking any and all suggestion­­­s this president makes - even those that agree with their own policies! - is hopefully being seen by the American people for what it is.... A party *obsessed* with it's own political interests and that of their corporate benefactor­­­s; at the expense of the American people begging them to cooperate in finding solutions to the economic problems that plague this nation.

What have the Republican­s brought to the table, NOTHING!

All the GOP does is obstruct progress.

It makes you wonder who the GOP really represents­.

The USA or the GOP?

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