"The Rules of Conservati
ve Correctnes
1) if anyone disagrees with you, they are a "Democrat.
2) if anyone argues with you, they are a "Liberal."
3) if they argue with you and actually present data (formerly known as
), shrug it off as "propagand
a from the Liberal Media."
4) if you cannot rebut the argument pick on details such as
gs, improper punctuatio
n or taglines.
5) If your opponent has an unrefutabl
e argument, change the subject.
6) if your opponent consistent
ly overturns your "correct" stories (anything
told by Rush Limbaugh), use ad hominem attacks.
7) anyone who puts life over profits is a "tree hugger."
8) anyone who refutes or debates "correct" science (Creationi
sm, Ecological
Stability) is a "sky-is-fa
lling" reactionar
9) anyone who opposes the melding of religion and government is one of the
"liberals" who helped create the rampant immorality today.
10) any federal program created by a Democrat, or that "looks" Democratic is
11) dismantlin
g programs and restrictio
ns on spending then sending the money
to states as a "block grant" is better than having a standardiz
ed Federal
program with rules.
12) giving tax money to People is "enslaving them," giving tax money to
ns is "making jobs."
13) anything that does not turn a profit for private corporatio
ns is "an
elitist" operation.
14) always take everything personally
15) whatever your weakness is, blame it on your opponent.
16) when all else fails, lie.
http://seekingadventurequest.blogspot.com/Read the Article at HuffingtonPost