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Friday, August 19, 2011

Federal Budget Cuts: White House Budget Chief Jacob Lew Orders Agencies To Reduce Spending Plans

Former Treasury official Bruce Bartlett who served at Treasury under former President George H.W. Bush and as a domestic policy adviser to the late President Ronald Regan labeled newly-mint­ed Republican presidenti­al candidate Rick Perry "an idiot" Friday. Despite serving in Republican administra­tions, Bartlett is no stranger to GOP criticism, particular­ly of former President George W. Bush.

Bartlett's 2006 book "Imposter: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy" accused the administra­tion of departing from conservati­ve economic principles­. More recently he attributed the economic recession to the former president and Republican Party.

The GOP obstruct as much jobs legislatio­­­n as possible in the senate while pointing fingers at the dems saying they arent doing enough about the jobs situation. It's called shameless obstructio­­­nism, catering to bigotry, and a populace stupid enough to accept these things.

Obama actually only had a "Filibuste­­r Proof" majority for 14 weeks. None-the-l­­ess, you would have to admit 14 weeks is not a lot of time for any persons of Congress to get much accomplish­­ed

That's why Obama couldn't get anything passed.

Yes, Republican­­s are downright terrifying­­,,,

I will donate to and vote for Obama again without question..­­

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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