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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Obama is president, even when it's the result of laws they crowed about and applauded when passed under Bush.

Republicans reflexively oppose - in fall-in-line automaton fashion - EVERYTHING that happens while Obama is president, even when it's the result of laws they crowed about and applauded when passed under Bush. They branded all who dared question the Patriot Act as traitors and cowards, and now insist that they had no idea that the recently revealed NSA surveillance was authorized by that bill. Not only is that total BS - given the fact that there have been 36 Congressional briefings on the NSA programs over the last four years - if they really didn't know what was in the bill they so ardently supported, that puts them "in bed" with one of their favorite targets... Like Nancy Pelosi, they "had to to pass the bill to find out what's in it." Except they never bothered to find out. It's similar to the way they now call the provisions under the ACA that were their idea (and which Obama and the Democrats included in the bill because the GOP insisted on them), "socialist government takeover of health care." The lemming-like willingness of so many Republicans today to obediently follow the ranting right fringe of their party is not only remarkable and frightening... it's downright disgusting. Their hateful hypocrisy knows no bounds, no limits on name-calling rhetoric, and no decency or willingness to accept responsibility for things they've enthusiastically promoted in the recent past.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

NSA Spying Controversy Highlights Embrace Of Big Data

When you live in a world you can not have safty and privacy at the same time, you have to prioritize. I don't mind losing some privacy for safety.

There are 314 million people in the US. There are about 145 BILLION emails sent every day. Do you really think the government has an opportunity to look at even a small % of them? No, they are only looking at trends of who is communicating with who. In some instances a red flag is raised and they look into in detail. They are not reading your emails or listening to your calls. You are all getting upset over nothing. Everyone Chill the F&%& Out and think about this instead of just reacting!

Republicans blame Obama for investigating terrorists and leaks of information that help terrorists.

But if even one of those plots had succeeded Republicans would be blaming Obama.

Republicans are terrorist loving hypocrites.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, June 7, 2013

NSA PRISM Program: Is Big Data Turning Government Into 'Big Brother?'

I want to ask this simple question, how many people here have had a friend or family member lost to the 9-11 terrorist attack? Terrorism is a painful reminder that steps were taken for our security & safety.

So, far all of these "scandals" to me don't amount to anythings.

"Minimum government" and the GOP? Okay. EPA, Homeland Security, war

rentless wiretaps are all GOP initiatives. National debt out of control? Started big with Reagan, went down with Clinton, went up big again with Bush Jr. GW left the economy in free fall with bank bailouts and reduced tax income from job losses.

Republicans are the Party of lunacy. They are now attacking the monitoring of electronic communications of those believed to be terrorists.

To bad the Republicans don't work with the President as much as they work against the President. Maybe we could get some bills passed that would help the economy instead of nothing at all.

Our government is doing everything possible to prevent a re-occurrence of terrorist attacks!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, June 2, 2013

To bad the Republicans don't work with the President as much as they work against the President.

To bad the Republicans don't work with the President as much as they work against the President. Maybe we could get some bills passed that would help the economy instead of nothing at all. 
So, far all of these "scandals" to me don't amount to anythings.
 "Minimum government" and the GOP?  Okay.  EPA, Homeland Security, war
rentless wiretaps are all GOP initiatives.  National debt out of control?  Started big with Reagan, went down with Clinton, went up big again with Bush Jr.  GW left the economy in free fall with bank bailouts and reduced tax income from job losses.
Republicans are the Party of Failure. 

Republicans screwed up the peace, screwed up two wars, screwed the budget surplus, screwed up the economy, screwed up our credit rating, screwed up their presidential campaign and are proudly declaring their intention to screw the economy again.  Oh and do anything they can to screw President Obama.

I guess that's why they are liked so much, NOT!!!!