OK-- no more abortions.... humm..... that means about one million more births per year of unwanted children give or take a few hundred thousand.... more child abuse, more kids being given up for adoption-- perhaps we could bring back orphanages??? Anybody willing to volunteer or pay more taxes for these unwanted kids??? Leave the decisions about having or not having children in the hands of moms and dads and doctors?? Wow, no, let's let the GOP decide... give me a break......
Basically what the Republicans are saying is that if your daughter is raped and becomes pregnant and that pregnancy threatens her life, you MUST sacrifice your daughter's life to save the child of a rapist! Think about that one for a little bit. Yes, trade your daughter's life for the child of her rapist. That's the Republican platform.
Now, can you say with a straight face that the Republican party is not anti-women? Didn't think so.
"The Republicans", how can anybody support such a party!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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