According to a study released Wednesday by theUrban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, Romney's plan would provide large tax cuts to the very wealthy, while increasing the tax burden on the lower and middle classes.
Romney's tax cuts would produce a $360 billion revenue loss in 2015, and offsetting that would require a reduction of 65% of all available tax expenditures, according to the study.
The end result is that individuals who make less than $200,000 would actually have to pay $500 more, on average, in taxes -- a 1.2% decrease in after-tax income. Meanwhile, the after-tax income of individuals who make more than $1 million would increase by 4.1%.
Republicans are interested in power and winning elections but have no interest in using government to benefit the people. They believe that the rich and the few should rule, and the poor and the many should meekly follow.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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