This is the GOP agenda of which they are so proud:
1. Tax Policy: Tax poor and working people but not the rich;
2. Wage Policy: Encourage wages in the U.S. to fall to third world levels;
3. Trade Policy: Pass trade laws that make it easy for companies to send jobs overseas;
4. Healthcare Policy: Pass laws that enable only insurance companies to control who gets health care (including seniors) and when it is provided;
5. Education Policy: Replace public education with out of pocket private schools and home schooling;
6. Infrastructure Policy: Refuse to invest in crumbling public infrastructure such as highways, bridges, and sewer systems;
7. Environmental Policy: Pass laws and weaken regulations that enable companies to pollute the environment;
8. Energy Policy: Pass laws that enable gas and oil production and prices to be controlled by a few large companies; Make sure that there is no longer any research or work on alternative energy sources; Keep defense spending high to protect non domestic oil production;
9. Civil Rights policy: Repress rights for women and minorities and repress voting participation;
10. Social Policy: Divide the American people on cultural issues (religion, sexual orientation, gun rights, etc);
11. Political Method: Instill fear in the American public through manufactured crises and created "boogeymen". Then attack political opponents by claiming to be more "patriotic" and the better keeper of "American Values" than they.
Why would anybody support the GOP?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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