Did we Americans actually expect the dirty primitives on the right to Evolve?
I know that if we elect Romeny a number of things will happen:
He will end all of the provisions ofthe Affordable Care Act.
He will pass legislation to privative medicare.
He will cut taxes for the wealthy, and end health insurance and mortgage deductions
He will do what he has said, and whether what he does "creates jobs" will be up to private industry. Personally, I doubt they will.
I think that electing a Romney/Ran ticket will simply put the wage and earnings disparity on a fast track. The rich will get richer, and the poor (ie anyone who works for a pay check) will get poorer.
Romney wants to cut taxes for the rich while making the Middle Class pay $2,000 a year more? That will really fuel the economy.
Jobs is not a good theme for an outsourcerer.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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