Man, the Repubs sure know how to throw a party!!
First, the bought in Chris Christie flaunting his "Save the day" speech, but artfully omitting his failure as governor of New Jersey. I mean really. I didn't think New Jersey could get any lower than it already is, but whoola! Christie has managed to do it!
Then they roll out Paul Ryan and the laughs kept coming. Ryan's speech, prepared in his bathroom was so full of political lincoln logs, he cemented himself as the boogeyman for seniors. I needed a fact check score card to keep up with all his slippery misses. Nice job Ryan, you should have baked some fudge to pass out.
Then like all good Hollywood movies, out comes the stickman. Romney rehearsed that speech soooo much that when he tried to sound excited, his eyebrows didn't move! Now THAT'S acting. Even B movie actors know to "try" and make facial expressions to display emotion. Stick'ems, had nada.
What made the moment hilarious was - and listen closely: it - was - the - same - ideas - republicans - have - been - stomping - the - yard - with since the first Bush was in office.
"I'm for the middle class" - No policies inacted to help the middle class.
"I'm going to create 12 million jobs!" - Quick math, that's about 250,000 a month for four years. He probably will, but they'll be in China and India.
Eastwood? Love his movies, but he
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