I ask all of you REPUBLICAN
S, on this site that support Mr. Perrys actions and beliefs; We need to think about the consequenc
es of not supporting green technologi
es. I am positive that some of you, if not all of you reading this blog have had family members, or friends that have died from cancer.
Many pollutants produce harmful effects on the blood and the coronary system. Researcher
s estimate that one in every 50 heart attacks in Los Angles may be triggered by air pollution. The exhaust fumes from a cars engine contains a large number of different chemicals or emissions.
Once released into the air, exhaust emissions are breathed in and transporte
d in the bloodstrea
m to all the body's major organs.
Green technology is a good thing. The last thing we need is some yahoo from Texas dictating to us that future research into developing green technologi
es should be cut. Before some of you start writing nasty things back to me about my concerns, THINK ABOUT YOUR KIDS HEALTH, & THERE FUTURE.
http://seekingadventurequest.blogspot.com/Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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