s are terrifying
....As a matter of fact, it will be easier to vote for Obama in 2012 than in 2008 because the likely GOP nominee will be a religious fanatic who wants to meddle in everyone's personal lives...
Obama actually only had a "Filibuste
r Proof" majority for 14 weeks. None-the-l
ess, you would have to admit 14 weeks is not a lot of time for any persons of Congress to get much accomplish
That's why Obama couldn't get anything passed.
First the GOP gave everyone massive deficit causing tax cuts while saying, dont worry about the deficit, the tax cuts will cause economic prosperity and increase tax revenue.
Then they didnt pay attention to signs of the economy going off a cliff, due to their own economic priority of deregulati
ng the financial industry.
The GOP obstruct as much jobs legislatio
n as possible in the senate while pointing fingers at the dems saying they arent doing enough about the jobs situation. As one pundit put it, its like they lit the house on fire and now stand there with stop signs blocking the fire
Yes, Republican
s are downright terrifying
I will donate to and vote for Obama again without question..
http://seekingadventurequest.blogspot.com/Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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