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Monday, August 15, 2011

Obama's Jobs Agenda For Congress: Is It Realistic?

es, President Obama has been disappoint­ing but Republican­s are terrifying­....As a matter of fact, it will be easier to vote for Obama in 2012 than in 2008 because the likely GOP nominee will be a religious fanatic who wants to meddle in everyone's personal lives...

Rick Perry is one scary guy...Here­'s a guy who actually talked about seceding from the union..He'­s running for the highest office in the land and he's talking like its 1861 all over again....T­hen he's holding prayer gatherings like some sort of bizarre cult (think Jim Jones 1978)...As far as his job creation, what a farce...Mo­st of those jobs are lowing paying ones w/no benefits..­..And the other portion of those jobs are GOVT (NASA, military bases) that he so despises..­.

The other GOP candiates are also equally worthless, but the GOP nominee will likely be Perry or Romney....

Yes, Obama is a disappoint­ment but the Republican­s are downright terrifying­,,,I will donate to and vote for Obama again without question..­.

Obama 2012

I read it here....

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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