I remember when you could actually disagree with a Republican without them becoming disagreeab
le in return; they, and you, would discuss an issue cooly and with an eye on how it would affect America, over all, rather on how it would affect those who pull your strings, fund your campaigns and own your soul.
Before the Religious Right, Tea Party and other far-right fringe groups took over the Republican party, I actually had respect for them. Now, with their inflexibil
ity, "purity-of
-thought", antagonist
ic attitudes toward gays, immigrants and a woman's right to choose, I don't even recognize these bunch of extremuist yahoos as even American. They remind me of some inflexible
, all-powerf
ul, central-th
rol type of dictatorsh
Now, the few moderates in the Republican party are so scared of being attacked by their own "purity committees
", challenged for their seats by those who think that they are not extreme enough and are running as hard to the right as they can, I actually wonder how far these clowns will go. My guess, though, is that they will over-reach
, scare the bejeezus out of 90% of America and will subside as quickly and suddenly as they appeared.
God help the US if they don't.
http://seekingadventurequest.blogspot.com/Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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