I am in the upper income tax bracket. I am a business owner that understand
s the big picture that is effecting everyone.
The debt ceiling debate highlights an increasing
ly evident fact: the Republican Party is bad for business.
This, of course, runs contrary to the GOP’s carefully crafted image. But it’s hard to come to any other conclusion after reviewing the party’s actions in congressio
nal economic debates. Time after time, Democrats stepped up to take the tough actions needed to prevent economic collapse while Republican
s buried their heads in the sand. I have a sinking feeling that the Republican
s are behind this. Tank the economy, get Obama out of office....
. I did a little research, look who controls the S&P, Republican backed interests.
A healthy client-bas
e is what I support, not the Republican agenda.>>>
I read it here......
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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