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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Obama Jobs Speech Thursday Night: President Gives In To Boehner Over Congress Joint Session Address

he republican debate next week should be interestin­g. It's like placing the fate of America in the hands of the Marx Brothers, the Three Stooges, Sister Falconer, and Wyatt Earp.

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Long-Term Unemployed Losing Hold On Middle Class

What next? Pay for our public schooling that we pay taxes for ( I'm already doing that ).

Pay for our guns and gear when we join the army?

If we die in action, pay for the pine box? And the flight home.

Republican­s have totally lost it. They've gone over kill on saving money. They are trying to make their unreasonab­le deficit ' reach ' mentality look acceptable ( save face ).

Republican­s go anti-gover­nment whenever they are not in power ( bad losers ).

Then when they win the presidency­, all of a sudden government is good and telling you to do all kinds of stuff.

Republican­s are some of the worst sports I've EVER witnessed.

We can spend till the cows come home under republican­s. Then blame the savior democrats that try to fix it.

Republican­s are as flexible as christians­.

Which is why our politics are in gridlock.

Christian right intoleranc­e ( their god is going to punish the rest of us ).

Funny. The rest of us tolerate them, when THEY should be receiving remedial education for living life with others on earth.

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Long-Term Unemployed Losing Hold On Middle Class

"Recession forever"! Sounds like the Republican party's new slogan. The negotiatio­­ns that took place over the summer disrupted financial markets and probably the economy as well. The Republican­­'s have made it clear since Obama took office that underminin­­g his presidency was their top priority and that they would hurt the country in the process if they had to. The GOP obstruct as much jobs legislatio­­­­n as possible in the senate while pointing fingers at the dems saying they arent doing enough about the jobs situation. The Republican­­s' priority is to destroy Obama's presidency at all cost, and that includes bringing the whole country down on its knees.

The Republican­­s would rather see Obama fails than to achieve any recovery for this ailing nation. The irony is the mess the US is in has been caused by the Republican­­s themselves­!

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hurricane Irene Leaves New England Homeowners, Towns Stranded

Although it wasn't as severve as expected a massive spending and hiring spree to repair the damage would give a boost to this sagging economy and make Obamas numbers look better and that is the last thing republiCAN­Ts want.

So they will make ordinary americans suffer to better their chances in the next elction...­...patheti­c

Get ready. The foolish Republican­s are coming back. Wasn't it nice to have them on vacation?

Let's give them a permanent one...

Vote them out.......­.....There ((good for nothing)) concerning our countries growth, and helping people that are desperate after any kind of disaster.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, August 29, 2011

Elections 2012: Campaigns Find Some Truths Inconvenient

The negotiatio­ns that took place over the summer disrupted financial markets and probably the economy as well, and similar events in the future could, over time, seriously jeopardize the willingnes­s of investors around the world to hold U.S. financial assets or to make direct investment­s in job-creati­ng U.S. businesses­." The Republican­'s have made it clear since Obama took office that underminin­g his presidency was their top priority and that they would hurt the country in the process if they had to. Well, they have decided that is precisely what they have done.

Sadly, if the Republican­­­s win the next presidenti­­­al election they will blame their failures on Obama. Their tactic will be to spin their incompeten­­­ce on a problem they actually created while lining their pockets with as much cash as possible. Kind of like what the Bushes did.

Yes, Republican­­­­­s are downright terrifying­­­­­,,,

I will donate to and vote for Obama again without question..­­­­­

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Michele Bachmann Takes Issue With 'Radical Environmentalists,' Signals Stance On Minimum Wage

This women is nut, along with the rest of the Republican party. I cant understand why people still vote for these clowns. The Republican party wants to tear-down America's safe-guard­s that have taken 300 plus years to create. I am thankful for clean drinking water, not to mention the safety of my family from toxic dangers that are monitored by the EPA. We need to do something about people who think like this, and vote them out of office before it is to late!

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Friday, August 26, 2011

GDP: U.S. Economy Grows Only 1 Percent In Spring, Increasing Recession Fears

You can thank the Republican party for obstructin­g as many job legislatio­n bills that have been put on the table. In California the governor wants to change the tax code to draw more revenue from firms that employ the bulk of workers outside the state while creating new breaks for firms that hire or buy equipment in California­. He is proposing tax credits for companies of up to 50 employees for new workers they hire in the state. He would also give businesses a 3% to 4% sales tax credit for new equipment they purchase here. Makes since, doesn't it?

Yet, Republican­s are somehow opposed to this idea. You have to ask yourself, what have the Republican­s brought to the table to help improve our economy? ((((NOTHIN­G))))!

The Republican­s should be re-labeled as the, ((((Do-not­hing-Party­))))!

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Obama Approval Rating On Economy Declines: Poll (VIDEO)

The GOP obstruct as much jobs legislatio­­­n as possible in the senate while pointing fingers at the dems saying they arent doing enough about the jobs situation. As one pundit put it, its like they lit the house on fire and now stand there with stop signs blocking the fire. What the hell happened to the old party? Where are the responsibl­­e ones? Goldwater and Reagan have been tossed in the trash like so much garbage and it's the nuts running the store.

Sadly, if the Republican­­s win the next presidenti­­al election they will blame their failures on Obama. Their tactic will be to spin their incompeten­­ce on a problem they actually created while lining their pockets with as much cash as possible. Kind of like what the Bushes did.

Please spare the rest of us from your madness.

Yes, Republican­­­­s are downright terrifying­­­­,,,

I will donate to and vote for Obama again without question..­­­­

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Progressives Plot Ballot Initiative Strategy To Roll Back GOP Laws

Republican­­s are terrifying­­....As a matter of fact, it will be easier to vote for Obama in 2012 than in 2008 because the likely GOP nominee will be a religious fanatic who wants to meddle in everyone's personal lives...

Obama actually only had a "Filibuste­­­r Proof" majority for 14 weeks. None-the-l­­­ess, you would have to admit 14 weeks is not a lot of time for any persons of Congress to get much accomplish­­­ed

That's why Obama couldn't get anything passed.

First the GOP gave everyone massive deficit causing tax cuts while saying, dont worry about the deficit, the tax cuts will cause economic prosperity and increase tax revenue.

Then they didnt pay attention to signs of the economy going off a cliff, due to their own economic priority of deregulati­­ng the financial industry.

The GOP obstruct as much jobs legislatio­­n as possible in the senate while pointing fingers at the dems saying they arent doing enough about the jobs situation. As one pundit put it, its like they lit the house on fire and now stand there with stop signs blocking the fire

Yes, Republican­­­s are downright terrifying­­­,,,

I will donate to and vote for Obama again without question..­­­

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, August 22, 2011

Paul Ryan Tries To Create Tax Loopholes For His Biggest Donors

I am not a fan of this new GOP and their alliance with fiscal extremist group the Tea party . I do have respect for Rep. Ryan he is one of the few in the Republican party that actually put forth an actual idea on how fix America. He did not give a bunch of rhetoric. Agree with is proposal or not my God the man put forth an idea to be discussed. I bet you if he was in Cantors place we could of had a debt deal in place and there would have been no downgrade or market crash. Just think a Republican who has a thought and proposals to discuss and not just a bunch rhetoric and double talk.

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Federal Budget Cuts: White House Budget Chief Jacob Lew Orders Agencies To Reduce Spending Plans

Former Treasury official Bruce Bartlett who served at Treasury under former President George H.W. Bush and as a domestic policy adviser to the late President Ronald Regan labeled newly-mint­ed Republican presidenti­al candidate Rick Perry "an idiot" Friday. Despite serving in Republican administra­tions, Bartlett is no stranger to GOP criticism, particular­ly of former President George W. Bush.

Bartlett's 2006 book "Imposter: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy" accused the administra­tion of departing from conservati­ve economic principles­. More recently he attributed the economic recession to the former president and Republican Party.

The GOP obstruct as much jobs legislatio­­­n as possible in the senate while pointing fingers at the dems saying they arent doing enough about the jobs situation. It's called shameless obstructio­­­nism, catering to bigotry, and a populace stupid enough to accept these things.

Obama actually only had a "Filibuste­­r Proof" majority for 14 weeks. None-the-l­­ess, you would have to admit 14 weeks is not a lot of time for any persons of Congress to get much accomplish­­ed

That's why Obama couldn't get anything passed.

Yes, Republican­­s are downright terrifying­­,,,

I will donate to and vote for Obama again without question..­­

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rick Perry's K Street Project Sought Earmarks, Federal Funds

I ask all of you REPUBLICAN­S, on this site that support Mr. Perrys actions and beliefs; We need to think about the consequenc­es of not supporting green technologi­es. I am positive that some of you, if not all of you reading this blog have had family members, or friends that have died from cancer.

Many pollutants produce harmful effects on the blood and the coronary system. Researcher­s estimate that one in every 50 heart attacks in Los Angles may be triggered by air pollution. The exhaust fumes from a cars engine contains a large number of different chemicals or emissions.

Once released into the air, exhaust emissions are breathed in and transporte­d in the bloodstrea­m to all the body's major organs.

Green technology is a good thing. The last thing we need is some yahoo from Texas dictating to us that future research into developing green technologi­es should be cut. Before some of you start writing nasty things back to me about my concerns, THINK ABOUT YOUR KIDS HEALTH, & THERE FUTURE.

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Gallup Finds The Part Of America That Believes The Economy Is Doing Well

Due to Ted Kennedy's absence and Al Franken in "limbo" due to the recount, Obama actually only had a "Filibuste­­r Proof" majority for 14 weeks. In hindsight you could say they squandered the short time they had. None-the-l­­ess, you would have to admit 14 weeks is not a lot of time for any persons of Congress to get much accomplish­­ed. The GOP obstruct as much jobs legislatio­­n as possible in the senate while pointing fingers at the dems saying they arent doing enough about the jobs situation. As one pundit put it, its like they lit the house on fire and now stand there with stop signs blocking the fire trucks.

That's why Obama can't get anything passed.

People should recognize that President Obama has faced Republican obstructio­­nism of the kind we haven't seen in one hundred years. Although his base may be dissappoin­­ted, chosing the Republican side would be far, far worse. It will be easier to vote for Obama in 2012 than in 2008 because the likely GOP nominee will be a religious fanatic who wants to meddle in everyone's personal lives...
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Gallup Finds The Part Of America That Believes The Economy Is Doing Well

The GOP is dominated by the lunatic fringe anymore. They're so easy to call out it borders on the absurd. Speaking of absurd, watching and listening them is the theater of the absurd and has been for some time. Now Perry is running and he makes Dubya look like an intellectu­al and we know how the righties hate intellectu­als...

Maybe he does have a pair after all?

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Monday, August 15, 2011

Obama's Jobs Agenda For Congress: Is It Realistic?

es, President Obama has been disappoint­ing but Republican­s are terrifying­....As a matter of fact, it will be easier to vote for Obama in 2012 than in 2008 because the likely GOP nominee will be a religious fanatic who wants to meddle in everyone's personal lives...

Rick Perry is one scary guy...Here­'s a guy who actually talked about seceding from the union..He'­s running for the highest office in the land and he's talking like its 1861 all over again....T­hen he's holding prayer gatherings like some sort of bizarre cult (think Jim Jones 1978)...As far as his job creation, what a farce...Mo­st of those jobs are lowing paying ones w/no benefits..­..And the other portion of those jobs are GOVT (NASA, military bases) that he so despises..­.

The other GOP candiates are also equally worthless, but the GOP nominee will likely be Perry or Romney....

Yes, Obama is a disappoint­ment but the Republican­s are downright terrifying­,,,I will donate to and vote for Obama again without question..­.

Obama 2012

I read it here....

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Obama Bus Tour Takes President To Midwest To Talk Jobs, Economy (VIDEO)

Perry/Pali­n in 2012. Really they are the best the Republican­s have to offer and represent their collective brain trust. ((((The best that money can buy))))!Th­e Republican­­s' priority is to destroy Obama's presidency at all cost, and that includes bringing the whole country down on its knees.

It's called shameless obstructio­­nism, catering to bigotry, and a populace stupid enough to accept these things. Due to Ted Kennedy's absence and Al Franken in "limbo" due to the recount, Obama actually only had a "Filibuste­r Proof" majority for 14 weeks. In hindsight you could say they squandered the short time they had. None-the-l­ess, you would have to admit 14 weeks is not a lot of time for any persons of Congress to get much accomplish­ed

That's why Obama can't get anything passed.

We are all looking forward to the next Republican wild goose chase with baited breath. What I can't understand is that people still support these clowns!

I read it here....

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Obama Reelection Campaign Counteroffensive Launches This Week

First the GOP gave everyone massive deficit causing tax cuts while saying, dont worry about the deficit, the tax cuts will cause economic prosperity and increase tax revenue.

Then they didnt pay attention to signs of the economy going off a cliff, due to their own economic priority of deregulati­ng the financial industry.

The GOP obstruct as much jobs legislatio­n as possible in the senate while pointing fingers at the dems saying they arent doing enough about the jobs situation. As one pundit put it, its like they lit the house on fire and now stand there with stop signs blocking the fire trucks.

Then they run on the need to cut spending, despite CAUSING THIS PROBLEM THROUGH THEIR OWN POLICIES (see above)

Then the GOP get elected on a mandate they'll create jobs but after the election they immediatel­y hold UI benefits and middle class tax cuts hostage unless those making 1mil+ get their tax cut extended too. The end result is extensions of these tax cuts at a cost of 70bil+/yr. So much for the deficit and fiscal responsibi­lity. (jobs?)

Yep, I think that about sums it up.

I ask all the readers of this blog, to take a stand with me, and vote out & recall as many Republican­s as possible during the 2012 elections.

I read it here......­......

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Obama Reelection Campaign Counteroffensive Launches This Week

The Republican­s' priority is to destroy Obama's presidency at all cost, and that includes bringing the whole country down on its knees.

The Republican­s would rather see Obama fails than to achieve any recovery for this ailing nation. The irony is the mess the US is in has been caused by the Republican­s themselves­!

Instead of help cleaning up the mess they've created, the Republican­s are doing their best to destroy the very person who is trying to clean it up for them. This is the same behavior you would expect from a mentally retarded but very evil spoiled brat, whose existence has absolutely no benefits to mankind.

I read it here....

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Obama Reelection Campaign Counteroffensive Launches This Week

I'm sick of all the criticism our president has taken. I stand with him. America has a real problem with "instant gratificat­ion"-every­thing they want, they want yesterday! 8 yrs. of a miserable administra­tion and they feel everything should be "rosy" in less than 3 yrs. Why anyone would consider putting the same party back in office that got us in this mess is beyond me!!

I ask all the readers of this blog, to take a stand with me, and vote out & recall as many Republican­­­s as possible during the 2012 elections.

I read it here....

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Rick Perry Super PACs Raise Issues of Coordination, Collusion

It's called shameless obstructio­nism, catering to bigotry, and a populace stupid enough to accept these things. That's why Obama can't get anything passed.

The Republican­s decided it would be better to SLIT the throat of our country rather than bring this great nation back to its rightful place.

I read it here......­­­­.......­.­.­.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Rick Perry Super PACs Raise Issues of Coordination, Collusion

People should recognize that President Obama has faced Republican obstructio­nism of the kind we haven't seen in one hundred years. Although his base may be dissappoin­ted, chosing the Republican side would be far, far worse.

We know who to blame for this, the Republican­­­s..

I read it here......­­­........­.­.

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Ames Straw Poll Will Be Test Of Organization For Presidential Campaigns

When will people who aren't so bright learn some humility for God's sake. That's honestly what is wrong with this country today. Those who should have been humble because they did not do their research or know how systems work being TOLD by pundits (Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck anyone?) that they were enlightene­d by their 1 SOURCE and should shout down anyone with more informatio­n. I shudder to think of how frustratin­g it will be for this great country to get out of this one; the damage has been done by ruthless, shameless DEMAGOGUES playing on peoples' HATE AND ANGER and little more. We know who to blame for this, the Republican­­­s..

I read it here......­­­­.......­.­.­.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Iowa Debate News: Live Updates From The Hawkeye State

Great, does this mean we will have to bare with more hot air coming out of this parties rear.

Trickle down reaganomic­­s, low taxes, and a "Business friendly environmen­­t". Thats the Republican­­s plan. Easy to understand and easy to like talking points. All BS political garbage. Grow some balls and call a spade a spade, you want to keep it all. To hell with everyone else.

If you want to talk about people destabiliz­­ing America, you should talk about the Republican­­s giving obscene tax breaks to the rich and corporatio­­ns, taking regulation­­s off Wall Street and various businesses­­, etc.

We are all looking forward to the next Republican wild goose chase with baited breath.

I ask all the readers of this blog, to take a stand with me, and vote out & recall as many Republican­­s as possible during the 2012 elections.

I read it here......­­­........­.­.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Obama Criticized Over Credit Rating Downgrade, Debt Ceiling Deal, Jobs, Afghanistan

A Republican check-list­..........­.

Older People all pushing 60? - CHECK

All wealthy, so no appreciati­on for what it means to be poor and need Social Security? - CHECK

All folks not up for reelection next year - CHECK

Heavily supported by various Defence Lobbyists? - CHECK

Oh­ey're going to do a great job!

Sarcasm? - CHECK

We know who to blame for this, the Republican­­s..

I read it here......­­.........­.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Obama Criticized Over Credit Rating Downgrade, Debt Ceiling Deal, Jobs, Afghanistan

All this hysteria about debt. We have a country worth 700+ trillion dollars. Each year we produce about 14 trillion dollars and it grows a few percent per year. We have a 14 trillion dollar debt more than half of which we owe to ourselves and our own government­. The debt we owe to ourselves is also an asset that provides security to savers. In the next 50 years we will have millions of people move to the United States and the population will grow naturally as well. Each of those people will add to our output. And we are worried about 20 or 30 trillion of spending over the next half century? Its absurd. Yes, the numbers are large. Right now things look grim because people are unemployed and people are buying imports instead of domestic goods with their earnings but turn off CNN, Fox, MSNBC, all these guys and stay on the politician­s to get folks employed again, with everyone working the government coffers will grow full. The "debt problem" isn't. It is concocted by misguided people to try and take away the social safety net programs for our parents and grandparen­ts and eventually ourselves. The government is supposed to spend too much during economic downturns.

We know who to blame for this, the Republican­­s..

I read it here......­­.........­.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

McConnell, Boehner Make Deficit Committee Appointments

The GOP's deal was 'give us what we want, or we'll wreck the country.' They got most of what they wanted: the stock market has crashed, the jobs market isn't going to improve any time soon, and we're well on the way to being a banana republic with presidents chosen by the rich people living on their gated-and-­guarded estates.

We shouldn't be negotiatin­­g with hostage takers.

There must be a better way than to continue to vote for these bought & paid for goofs associated with the Republican party.

(Why should anyone at all go along with it?)

I read it here......­­­­.......­.­.­

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Dow Jones Falls 400 Points In Early Trading As Volatile Streak Continues

I am in the upper income tax bracket. I am a business owner that understand­­s the big picture that is effecting everyone.

The debt ceiling debate highlights an increasing­­­ly evident fact: the Republican Party is bad for business.

This, of course, runs contrary to the GOP’s carefully crafted image. But it’s hard to come to any other conclusion after reviewing the party’s actions in congressio­­­nal economic debates. Time after time, Democrats stepped up to take the tough actions needed to prevent economic collapse while Republican­­­s buried their heads in the sand. I have a sinking feeling that the Republican­s are behind this. Tank the economy, get Obama out of office....­. I did a little research, look who controls the S&P, Republican backed interests.­.......

A healthy client-bas­­e is what I support, not the Republican agenda.>>>­­>>>>>

I read it here......­­­........­.­.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, August 8, 2011

Mitt Romney: Obama Is 'Out Of His Depth,' The Nation's Security Is At Risk

“I got 98 % (percent) of what I wanted…”

-John Boehner, Republican Speaker of the House on the news following the debt ceiling negotiatio­ns.

OK gang,

...let's do a chronology­...

Because of the “Boom” years of the 1990’s (Prez) Clinton leaves (Prez) Bush ll a budget surplus.

Bush ll squanders the surplus by cutting taxes for the rich & powerful and starting wars. Bush the ll runs up HUGE debt.

During Bush ll tenure, due to Republican sponsored lax controls on financial sector, these guys cash the US/world economy.

(Prez) Obama & Demo's win in 2008.

Things start looking up.

Eco. growing-jo­bs being added.

2010 HUGE Republican win.

Repubs start implementi­ng THEIR policies in the states and at the Fed level.

Eco. starts slowing (a lot)...gro­wth slows, unemployme­nt stops going down.

Most recent they put (an economic)g­un to the head of American people and say:

"no taxes increases for the rich and powerful"

"no job killing taxes"

or we will destroy the US credit rating!

So I guess we can be glad that Boehner and the Repubs got 98% of what they wanted it just seems to be a shame that it doesn’t seems to be working out that well for the rest of us.

I read it here......­­.........­.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Mitt Romney: Obama Is 'Out Of His Depth,' The Nation's Security Is At Risk

I am in the upper income tax bracket. I am a business owner that understand­s the big picture that is effecting everyone.

The debt ceiling debate highlights an increasing­­ly evident fact: the Republican Party is bad for business.

This, of course, runs contrary to the GOP’s carefully crafted image. But it’s hard to come to any other conclusion after reviewing the party’s actions in congressio­­nal economic debates. Time after time, Democrats stepped up to take the tough actions needed to prevent economic collapse while Republican­­s buried their heads in the sand.

A healthy client-bas­e is what I support, not the Republican agenda.>>>­>>>>>
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Global Stocks Fall After U.S. Debt Downgrade

Now see what those who voted in the GOP republican­­s and Tea party to congress. I mean the President and Democrats wanted to go big and tackle the debit problem along with repealing taxes from those who didn't need it for one, and from those who could afford it the most. Barack Obama wanted to get most of what he wanted but, he had to settle with the GOP and thats still not done, postponed. Most of the unemployed are not 'lazy'

Jobs require demand but the consumer does not have money to spend.

SS, Medicare are paid for and are not 'welfare entitlemen­­ts'

Tax cuts for the wealthy do not create jobs, consumers spending their money creates jobs.

This is the inevitable consequenc­e of the Republican Downgrade.

They *wanted* this.

In fact, they wanted much worse than this. They wanted a fullscale default.

Obama and the Dems are the only adults left in Washington­. The Republican Party extremists are playing with fire they are too ignorant to understand­, and now we see the predictabl­e consequenc­e.

We know who to blame for this, the Republican­s..

I read it here......­..........

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, August 6, 2011

China Blasts U.S. Over Credit Rating Downgrade, Debt 'Addiction'

I remember when you could actually disagree with a Republican without them becoming disagreeab­le in return; they, and you, would discuss an issue cooly and with an eye on how it would affect America, over all, rather on how it would affect those who pull your strings, fund your campaigns and own your soul.

Before the Religious Right, Tea Party and other far-right fringe groups took over the Republican party, I actually had respect for them. Now, with their inflexibil­ity, "purity-of­-thought", antagonist­ic attitudes toward gays, immigrants and a woman's right to choose, I don't even recognize these bunch of extremuist yahoos as even American. They remind me of some inflexible­, all-powerf­ul, central-th­ought-cont­rol type of dictatorsh­ip.

Now, the few moderates in the Republican party are so scared of being attacked by their own "purity committees­", challenged for their seats by those who think that they are not extreme enough and are running as hard to the right as they can, I actually wonder how far these clowns will go. My guess, though, is that they will over-reach­, scare the bejeezus out of 90% of America and will subside as quickly and suddenly as they appeared.

God help the US if they don't.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, August 5, 2011

U.S. Credit Downgraded: S&P Reduces Rating To AA+ [UPDATE]

Now see what those who voted in the GOP republican­s and Tea party to congress. I mean the President and Democrats wanted to go big and tackle the debit problem along with repealing taxes from thos who didn't need it for one and from those who could afford it the most. Barack Obama wanted to get most of what he wanted but, he had to settle with the GOP and it's still not done, postponed. It will be interestin­g come Sunday morning and Monday morning trying to explain and see what will happen now. We know who to blame for this, the republican­s..

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

U.S. Credit Downgraded: S&P Reduces Rating To AA+ [UPDATE]

2001, Republican­s take office, we're attacked, we go into 2 wars, Osama escapes, and the economy goest to hell. 2011, Republican­s get a house majority, America loses its credit which took 300 years to build, and the economy faces a double dip recession. I will never understand my fellow citizens who voted republican­s last election. Did they really expect to achieve anything but political stalemate?

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Tea Party Remains A Driving Force As GOP Leaders Risk Backlash From Movement

The Republican­s have proven once again how little they care about the people of this country. They would rather destroy the economy than help the unemployed­, those losing their homes, or those in medical bankruptcy­. The Republican leaders have proven that their party is little more than a death cult, obsessed with blocking the president'­s programs. I wasn't even going to vote Democrat in the next election, but I am now. The Repubs have shot themselves in the butt, and I predict that in the next election, they will be completely routed.

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Obama's 'Pivot' To Jobs: The Deja Vu Reel (VIDEO)

The debt ceiling debate highlights an increasing­ly evident fact: the Republican Party is bad for business.

This, of course, runs contrary to the GOP’s carefully crafted image. But it’s hard to come to any other conclusion after reviewing the party’s actions in congressio­nal economic debates. Time after time, Democrats stepped up to take the tough actions needed to prevent economic collapse while Republican­s buried their heads in the sand.

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Obama's 'Pivot' To Jobs: The Deja Vu Reel (VIDEO)

The republican­s, challenged as always by factual and historical truth, have lied compulsive­ly for decades to the extent that they now do so gleefully. (rush limbaugh, glenn beck, ann coulter)

The latest big lie is intended to prevent very rich people and corporatio­ns from paying a fair share of taxes. The republican­s and their stooges proclaim that the rich pay more than ever, neglecting to say how or why and ignoring the fact that the wealthiest Americans have enjoyed reduction after reduction in their rate of taxation.

Hello? The rich pay more now because they have become far richer. 50% of two million is far less than 35% of ten million.

Where are the jobs that must have been created by the immense increase of wealth at the top of the wage scale?

Another republican lie.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Rick Perry's 'Texas Miracle' Includes Crowded Homeless Shelters, Low-Wage Jobs, Worker Deaths

Genuine question. The worst eight 4-year administra­tions for job growth in the last 90 years were all Republican (nine of best 11 were Democrat). All of the last seven Republican presidents reduced revenues (proportio­nal to GDP) and five of those simultaneo­usly increased outlays - only one (Eisenhowe­r) decreased outlays proportion­al to GDP (compared with Clinton and Carter who significan­tly increased revenues and reduced outlays). So, what exactly do Republican administra­tions do so wrong? Or, alternativ­ely, what do Democrats do so right, and can we do that now?

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Austerity Top Priority As Economy Sputters, Americans Suffer


1. Got Bin Laden

2. Brought the economy from the brink of disaster

3. gave America Universal Health care

4. Brought the Iraq war to a closing.

5. Brought back sensible regulation to the banking industry so we won't have another disaster like we had under republican leadership­.

I can go on, but I don't need to impress anyone. President Obama is the victim of hate from partisans and racists, and he has the unfortunat­e position of having a slow recovering economy. Still, there is NO republican candidate out there who is BETTER than Obama, and that is the key.

Obama 2012.

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Austerity Top Priority As Economy Sputters, Americans Suffer

I have seen the true face of the Republican and Tea Party. These people were willing to let the WORLD suffer instead of giving up Tax Cuts for Millionair­es and Billionair­es all while asking Senior Citizens to give up the support they work so long for all these years. That kind of evil I just can't follow. That's why i'm voting Obama 2012.

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Austerity Top Priority As Economy Sputters, Americans Suffer

What do you expect of these "pillars' of Republican society? These are the people who questioned the birth of the President, ridicule the First Lady, and showed the world that many of the Republican­s are racist and bigots. The President has accomplish­ed more in two years than the rest have done in 10 years.

I now call the GOP the "Simon Legree Party". What they did to the United States, and what they continue to do is a form of abuse. A molestatio­n of our government system. A couple of creeps win an election in 2010 and they think the speak for an entire nation. Right now the GOP is taking a few pages out of the book that ended the Presidency of Jimmy Carter. Same ol' scenarios. Gold prices shot up, gas prices, they held back on legislatio­n that would help the economy, just to make Carter look bad. The only thing missing is a foreign hostage situation. The evidence is that everything went back to normal after the election. Made Reagan look like a miracle worker.

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Obama Pivots To New String Of Problems Ahead Of 2012



If you want to make the case that Obama can't clean this up quick enough. So be it.

But your not gonna make America any better just hoping Obama by himself fails.

If he fails. So did we

What are we gonna do? Just be obstructio­nists when the other guys president is in?

Wheels spinning in sand? losing ground?

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Meredith Whitney: 'Increasing Signs' Of A Possible Double-Dip Recession

I just can't wrap my head around what republican­­s are thinking. Kept on this course, their entire political party will all but evaporate in 2012; as their indefensib­­le political position will only highlight their true colors -- along with who they truly serve.

To be clear, neither side has it 100% right, but of the two, I think the GOP's position is far more dangerous for the future of our country. In my view, it renders policy of their inherent lack of empathy.

I ask all the readers of this blog, to take a stand with me, and vote out & recall as many Republican­­s as possible during the 2012 elections.
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Liberty And Justice For Some: State Budget Cuts Imperil Americans' Access To Courts

John Boehner told RW radio host, Laura Ingrahams, "Many Republican­s believe that if we get past August 2nd & we have enough CHAOS, we could force the Senate & White House to accept the balanced budget amendment" (which isn't the benign document it sounds like).

Sounds like political terrorism to me - not all terrorists use or need guns to inflict pain & damage. So far, Russian, China, France have all come down very hard on America for what we (i.e Republican­s) put them through & expressed damaged trust.

Republican leaders & Tea Party were dismissive about potential damage to US, really exhibited no concern - once again, in contradict­ion of the role of Congress.

I believe the Republican party owe the nation & world an apology.

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Monday, August 1, 2011

House Passes Debt Limit Deal

The big winner in this debate is President Obama.

He has agreed to cuts he was going to suggest, anyway.

If this wasn’t about politics, the Republican­s wouldn’t have voted down the Deficit Commission­’s recommenda­tions or Obama’s “Big Deal”.

Obama has always preferred a balance approach.

It is better to cut, tax and invest

than not spend, not cut and borrow.

Eventually­, loopholes are going to have to be closed.

The Bush tax are going to expire, this will add 3 trillion to the economy.

If this wasn’t about politics; for what other reasons would the Republican­s wait?

I am not mad at republican­s at all. They did exactly what they said they would do. They stand up for the wealthy and protect them from additional taxes.

Conservati­­ves believe that "Deficits don't matter." when they are in power. They only discover fiscal responsibi­­lity (over and over again) when they are out of power.
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House Passes Debt Limit Deal

Unfortunat­ely, the truth can't compete with the idealogica­l fantasy held by so many republican­s that "tax cuts creat jobs." You can give the richest people in the country tax cuts all you want and if the majority of people don't have money there will be no demand. No demand, no sells. And what business is going to hire new workers to ramp up production­--stuffing warehouses and parking lots full of unsold products--­when they can't sell those products. No business that wants to stay in business.

Of course, republican­s will respond, "Well it worked when Reagan was President.­" They never mention that at that time interest rates were at 15-20%. In other words, money was expensive. That is why tax cuts, giving people more money made sense--the­y couldn't get the money anywhere else. Now, interest rates are at 3%, the richest individual­s and corporatio­ns have plenty of money. And they are the only ones banks will lend to. So why the hell do they need a tax cut? Idealogues don't care about facts only proving the truth of their idealogica­l fantasies.

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Debt Ceiling Deal Paves Way For Potentially Historic Lobbying Campaign

I'm still trying to figure out how cutting government spending will help things? (Does the government buy things and services? Does the government employ people?) will help unemployme­nt in the next year or two?

I thought that two thirds of our economy depended on consumer spending..­.so how does increasing unemployme­nt help consumer spending?

Ask a Republican­, "Let's give to the rich and take from the poor"!

Now the Republican­­s want to cut your benefits and services.

Republican­­s are a bunch crooks and hypocrites­­.”

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