Former Treasury official Bruce Bartlett who served at Treasury under former President George H.W. Bush and as a domestic policy adviser to the late President Ronald Regan labeled newly-mint
ed Republican presidenti
al candidate Rick Perry "an idiot" Friday. Despite serving in Republican administra
tions, Bartlett is no stranger to GOP criticism, particular
ly of former President George W. Bush.
Bartlett's 2006 book "Imposter: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy" accused the administra
tion of departing from conservati
ve economic principles
. More recently he attributed the economic recession to the former president and Republican Party.
The GOP obstruct as much jobs legislatio
n as possible in the senate while pointing fingers at the dems saying they arent doing enough about the jobs situation. It's called shameless obstructio
nism, catering to bigotry, and a populace stupid enough to accept these things.
Obama actually only had a "Filibuste
r Proof" majority for 14 weeks. None-the-l
ess, you would have to admit 14 weeks is not a lot of time for any persons of Congress to get much accomplish
That's why Obama couldn't get anything passed.
Yes, Republican
s are downright terrifying
I will donate to and vote for Obama again without question..
http://seekingadventurequest.blogspot.com/Read the Article at HuffingtonPost