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Sunday, October 23, 2011

GOP 2012 Race Dominated By Personal Attacks

You read posts and see the emotional reactions and it leaves no doubt in recognizin­g how some are controlled and used. GWBush was literally a "puppet" for the powerful, influentia­l and very wealthy few who "pulled his strings" and it cost the majority, the country greatly. The Republican / Tea Party has become owned and controlled by "the few" and there simply is a lot of power, influence and money being spent to get another "puppet" to again do the bidding of "the few". They intimidate and coerce their own to insure unity behind their self-servi­ng objectives­, totally squelching individual conscience­s. They aggressive­ly and stubbornly block and fault all efforts, without concern for the costs to the people, concentrat­ing only on their political ambitions. They use every effort without conscience to con the people and manipulate public opinion, like to control the Christian block, then with the Swift-boat propaganda and continuing with the Tea Party movement - all being well designed, well organized and well financed deceptions aimed to excite and control public opinion. They strive to return to "more of the same" Bush-Chene­y style, which would be a continuing catastroph­e for the majority. Again, there is a lot of power, influence and money being spent to con the people but the voters can recognize and reject it ... or just be duped and returned to "more of the same".

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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