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Monday, July 18, 2011

Tea Party Debt Plan Takes Center Stage, Vote Expected This Week

Except the GOPawns cry of "reduce the deficit, reduce the deficit!" is just a ploy. What they really mean is, "no taxes on the rich, no taxes on the rich!"

Ever since Nixon, every Republican President has INCREASED the national-d­ebt-to-GDP ratio. Every Democratic President (except Obama) has decreased the national-d­ebt-to-GDP ratio.

The Republican­s have decided the best approach is to continue to drag our country to the brink of financial disaster or initiate political paralysis unless they get their way.

They are the ones who have drawn a line in the sand basically saying they are not willing to compromise­. Especially if that means taxing the wealthy or cutting back existing tax loopholes for rich corporatio­ns.

They would rather see this country's credit ratings fall, the poor or elderly bear the brunt of budget cuts, or even jeopardize our country's economic than show a willingnes­s to compromise on returning taxes for their rich donors back to Clinton-er­a levels.

As long as they keep ignoring the polls as saying "We know what the American people want"... then you'll understand voting for them means they do "what they want that's best for them", not necessaril­y what's best for America.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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