The Republicans are all still screaming- let the private sector fix it.
To Everyone- That is BS and nothing but BS.
If the prices of insurance go up and more people can't afford it and drop it or they are laid off and can't afford insurance, guess what happens to the price of insurance(Up,Up,Up). Are the Republicans really that stupid to believe the insurance companies are going to fix things. No wonder you are becomming a 3rd world country. It is because you have less than a third world intellect. Good luck in November GOP.
Governing cannot be a zero sum game like the GOP expect. This has to be the year that middle class stand for their self interest. Reject the of the interests of those with $ 1 billion funded GOP presidential campaigns and their backers.
Backwards is the direction of the momentum offered with Romney right now. He offers nothing different from the policis of circa 2001-2008.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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