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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Mitt Romney U.K. Vacation And Our Pretty Vacant Politics: The 2012 Speculatron Weekly Roundup For July 20, 2012

The job creators are the consumers that buy products and services. A business can supply all the products it wants but if the consumer can't buy it, the business will go under. The consumer is the real job creator.

Republican politicians always insert the phrase "small business owners" into their arguments against increasing taxes for those that make more than $250k, but they're really protecting and answering to the most powerful and wealthiest companies and individuals in the country. By emphasizing small businesses, they try to make their unfair position more appealing. If they really cared about small business owners, they would come up with a compromise that helps this niche, while increasing taxes (and eliminating loopholes) for large corporations and the very wealthy. And if they really cared about the "spending problem" they would focus on cutting the Pentagon's bloated budget.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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