All I have seen is olive branch after olive branch proffered by our president rejected by the republicans who have vowed Mr. Obama would fail at their hands. Such epithets are what hurts Americans, who need jobs and healthcare. Unfortunately, republicans and their evangelical thralls do not see it that way.
People like you divide the country.
Some of you have made the mistake of thinking that the GOP is a poltical party. They are not. They are a group of special interests who have bought seats in the U.S. congress with the express intent of blocking anything they believe is not cost effective for themselves. This has nothing to do with government nor the country.
You know, had the republicans worked in good faith with the president and the democrats, we might have seen an excellent bill signed into law. Instead, the republicans' only wish is to see President Obama fail, as they have said many times, so they can make political hay out of it.
Republicans are sad and evil creatures.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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