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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Do American conservatives have a VICTIM CARD?

Often I’ve heard conservatives express frustration in regards to social changes in society. These frustrations are often vocalized in statements focusing on a specific more liberal group or movement. The ones who act like a persecuted minority even though they are white Christian Republican males in a country where white, Christian Republican males dominate all three branches of government? Those conservatives have a victimhood complex the size of a major international airport. Do you remember that old joke about conservatives being liberals who'd been mugged by reality? Well, it was funny largely because it was true. Conservatives fancy themselves as hard-nosed realists. Unlike fluffy-headed liberals, who spend their days dreaming of a perfect world, conservatives are suspicious of utopian schemes. They know quite well that life is hard, and they disdain few things more than whiners and complainers. But who really cares about fairness and consistent thinking when politics are in play? Like the minority activist groups that conservatives abhor, the Republicans know very well that crying out against a foe is one sure way to rally the troops. And it works particularly well when your side is in political or ideological disarray. If you can't inspire your base with a coherent vision of the future, then you might as well unify it with the promise to stand up against the boogeyman.
In the end, conservatives are right, we have become a nation of victims, but surely it's getting more difficult for them to blame it all on the liberals.

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