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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Even less will be accomplished in congress!

So now basically we can be assured that even less will be accomplished in congress? 

Literally all republicans have done is reject every single bill that has hit the floor (i know you guys think they are fighting big government and keeping them out of your lives) 

It saddens me that republicans spend so much time talking about democrats that they dont even have a clue what republicans have accomplished?
Miss-leadership, Phony scandals like Benghazi and IRS, phony ads with actors misinforming the masses about ACA--the Republican way. The coalition of the rich and the stupid won this one; let's see what happens next.

REPUBLICANS were able to trick many "not too bright" folks into voting against their own interests in 2010. The coalition of the rich and the stupid, led by the Koch brothers tea party are trying the same old tricks: lies and hatred. We'll see how it works out in the near future?

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