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Monday, January 27, 2014

So we can assume they don't have the intelligence to lead this country because of their inability to tell the truth.

1. Reagan-Bush-Bush set the national house on fire. They overspent by $12 trillion and counting. We're still paying for Afghanistan, Iraq, the tax cut, Medicare Part D, the Great Republican Recession.
2. We called Fireman Obama to put out the fire and save the house.
3. As soon as he arrived, Conservatives in Washington began stabbing the fire hoses, letting the air out of the fire truck's tires, and
turning in false alarms (death panels, birth certificate, Kenya, socialist
indoctrination of children, closet Muslim, Rev. Wright, Benghazi, IRS, Obamacare, etc.).
4. Now Conservatives are saying that we should blame the fireman, not the guys who set the fire in the first place.
5. In a word, it is called subversion. Some would argue with me and call it sabotage
6. You know, one of the main reasons the GOP has lost credibility is because every time they throw mud at the President, we find out they have overly exaggerated the issue or just plain made it up. It has happened time after time since Obama has been elected and they keep doing it over and over again. And then they cry media bias and foul when THEY get caught speeding and pretend they have not done anything wrong. So we can assume they don't have the intelligence to lead this country because of their inability to tell the truth.

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