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Friday, July 12, 2013

What happens when your government does nothing because a small minority uses the means of the filibuster as an act of obstruction?

What happens when your government does nothing because a small minority uses the means of the filibuster as an act of obstruction? Your country inters into a dark-age. To bad the Republicans don't work with the President as much as they work against the President. Maybe we could get some bills passed that would help the economy instead of nothing at all. The right in this country is not conservative, far from it. It's become doctrinarian and authoritarian in nature. Everything is shaped, including the facts by ideology.True conservatives are practical people. While they want a smaller government, they want what they pay for to work. 

Today's right 
doesn't want government to work at all.

True conservatives believe in using incentives to help and motivate people, incentives that work.True conservatives accepted for the most part, Keynesian Economics in the 50's and 60's. They never opposed the government helping people during times of economic crisis.True conservatives founded the conservation movement, which begat today's environmental movement.  Conservation and Conservative both come from the Latin, to conserve.Let's restate what the Republicans have done. -- They want to raise the costs for kids going to school, eliminate health programs, send our jobs overseas, cut corporate taxes, not worry about the environment, raise taxes on the poorest citizens, cut food stamps, etc., etc.I do think that they believe that the more miserable they make the rest of us feel, they more successful they will be in the elections and elsewhere. They believe that if we are truly miserable, we will not go to the polls to vote for our values. So they think they can ramp up the misery, increase our fear and hatred of the very circumstances they have helped bring about through record filibusters, voter suppression efforts, saber rattling with Iran, etc.The GOP has 2 choices. STOP trying to tell other people what moral and religious values they MUST embrace, OR become completely irrelevant... They have NO other choice. The anti-choice bible thumpers have COMPLETELY destroyed the GOP at this time..

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