The democrates have worked for years to help the little guy and their families only to get these helping hands chopped off in the name of conservancy. when you give a small tax cut to the least of us and then charge them full price for services that were free or at a reduced cost that is budget repair onthe backs of those who can least afford it. It is time America wakes up to this and recalls the NO party knuckle heads before they damage our nation any further. Smart alac politics should have ended with Bush ... No right thinking peron should allow them to gut the services to those who need them. Shame on those that take that road to balance the budget. My America was never selfish or petty until the ditto head mentality was spread all in the name of conservacy. Time after time, Democrats stepped up to take the tough actions needed to prevent economic collapse while Republicans buried their heads in the sand.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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