Do you ever notice that the candidates at the Republican debate looked like a town council that was outlawing dancing. They also looked like a board of directors that was lying about poisoning a river.
One of John McCain's former top campaign aides says that when he talked to Sarah Palin after McCain picked her to be his running mate, she said it was 'God's plan.' So, apparently, God wanted Obama to win.
'Sarah Palin's book is number one on right now. Stephen King actually has the number two book. Very scary new book called 'Sarah Palin Becomes President.
It's interesting. During his speech, President Obama spoke about the difficulty of accepting a Peace Prize while we're fighting two different wars. And President Bush got really upset. He said, 'Hey, I'm the one who started both those wars, I should have won the prize.
Republican voters have been reduced to using the same criteria as a 4 a.m. barroom pickup: he has a pulse and no visible cold sores.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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