I love how terribly uninformed people still are.
Yes, Goerge Bush was the BESTEST president ever! We are all much better off because if him! SO MUCH BETTER OFF!
Obama, That Commie! How dare try to be balanced and find the middle ground on the major issues. We need bull headed, power mongers running things, it just makes sense.
Imagine an other 4 years of trying keep the poor from starving, building roads and powerplants, and protecting the environment, while allowing for enterprise to grow at a responsible rate.....NOOOO!!!!
PS....We have the lowest tax rate in the modernized world.....Quit bitching, no one likes taxes, but they're NECESSARY!!! Especailly for a giant military.
Now get off your couch, put down the fast food, quit quoting the bible, take a walk, and get that diabetes under control, fatties...
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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