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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

'Fox And Friends' Anti-Obama Video Could Double As GOP Ad [UPDATE: Fox News Issues Statement] (VIDEO)

Do you ever notice that the candidates at the Republican debate looked like a town council that was outlawing dancing. They also looked like a board of directors that was lying about poisoning a river.

One of John McCain's former top campaign aides says that when he talked to Sarah Palin after McCain picked her to be his running mate, she said it was 'God's plan.' So, apparently, God wanted Obama to win.

'Sarah Palin's book is number one on right now. Stephen King actually has the number two book. Very scary new book called 'Sarah Palin Becomes President.

It's interesting. During his speech, President Obama spoke about the difficulty of accepting a Peace Prize while we're fighting two different wars. And President Bush got really upset. He said, 'Hey, I'm the one who started both those wars, I should have won the prize.

Republican voters have been reduced to using the same criteria as a 4 a.m. barroom pickup: he has a pulse and no visible cold sores.
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Donald Trump Can't Be Controlled, Causes Major Headache For Mitt Romney

"Donald Trump is still threatening to run for President. NBC said if Trump runs for President they will not renew 'The Apprentice.' So some good may still come out of all this."

Donald Trump insists that he is going to run for president. I guess he figures if he can pull off that hairstyle, he can do anything. Trump is a little tone-deaf to the average American. He unveiled his slogan this week: 'Are you better off than you were four wives ago? If Trump does become president, I hope he puts a wig on his plane and calls it Hair Force One. Donald

Trump is attacking President Obama's background. And I said, 'Wait a minute, Trump also is from a mixed background. He's half jack and half ass.
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Donald Trump Can't Be Controlled, Causes Major Headache For Mitt Romney

A few facts about Mitt Romney:

"Today Mitt Romney visited a firehouse here in New York City. Of course, he was disappointed when he learned that the firehouse is not where you get to fire people."

Apparently a large branch of Mitt Romney’s family lives in Mexico. ... His grandfather in the late 1800s moved his whole family to Mexico to avoid being prosecuted for polygamy. ... Mitt can use that to show that he’s tough on immigration. His family kicked themselves out of the country."

"Republicans are now starting to accept the fact that Mitt Romney will be their nominee for president. But you know, they're not that excited about it. It's kind of like starting to accept that you're going to prom with your sister."

Mitt Romney just barely won the Republican primary in Ohio by 1%. Then Romney made the mistake of saying, 'Ladies and gentlemen, tonight is a victory for the 1%!
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mitch McConnell: President Obama Is Attacking Capitalism

First, Obama is having trouble getting on to the Arizona ballot. Now he is having trouble getting on to the Arkansas ballot. What is going on? You Conservatives keep coming up with schemes to block the Democratic vote. So the GOP politics of disagreement trumps life itself. We vote for these people &, nothing get's done. I love how terribly uninformed people still are. he republicans have doomed themselves. They've isolated themselves from minorities, women, & the youth. Time after time, Democrats stepped up to take the tough actions needed to prevent economic collapse while Republican­­s buried their heads in the sand.

I have a simple fix to solve government grid-lock, vote out the Republicans.
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Monday, May 21, 2012

Mitt Romney, Scott Brown Play Down Past Massachusetts Connections

So the GOP politics of disagreement trumps life itself. We vote for these people &, nothing get's done. So is the people's business not getting done going to help us? It's the people's business. This is really just about those who make wealth not wanting to re-invest in our collectiveness because re-investment in something other than their immediate selves or families doesn't make sense to greedy self ingratiating greed dogs. This protecting of ' excess ' wealth at the expense of a disappearing middle class is criminal. We just don't have any laws against it yet. How do you get the representatives of the wealthy to ever think about the people again? And do the people's justice. Remember us?
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Monday, May 14, 2012

Barack Obama 2012 Takes Multiple Pages From GOP Playbook

I love how terribly uninformed people still are.

Yes, Goerge Bush was the BESTEST president ever! We are all much better off because if him! SO MUCH BETTER OFF!

Obama, That Commie! How dare try to be balanced and find the middle ground on the major issues. We need bull headed, power mongers running things, it just makes sense.

Imagine an other 4 years of trying keep the poor from starving, building roads and powerplants, and protecting the environment, while allowing for enterprise to grow at a responsible rate.....NOOOO!!!!

PS....We have the lowest tax rate in the modernized world.....Quit bitching, no one likes taxes, but they're NECESSARY!!! Especailly for a giant military.

Now get off your couch, put down the fast food, quit quoting the bible, take a walk, and get that diabetes under control, fatties...
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Friday, May 4, 2012

Unemployment Rate Falls To 8.1 Percent As People Give Up On Looking For Work

1. Question: Who broke the economy? Answer: GOP Government

2. Question: Who is trying to fix it? Answer: Obama Administration

3. Question: Who is trying to stop him from fixing it? Answer: GOP Congress

4. Question: How can American people help? Answer: Vote out the GOP Congress

5. Question: What is the dumpest thing to do? Answer: Go back to the failed GOP policies that brought American's economy down.

Mitt should tell Americans why Bush policies failed and what Bush should have done different. But for Mitt to oppose Obama without solution to move America forward, it is totally irresponsible. As severly conservative as I am, I am still waiting for the conservative solution. Right now, none, none, none but I'm waiting for solution that will stop me from voting for the most Liberal President ever. I'm waiting, waiting, waiting.....
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Unemployment Rate Falls To 8.1 Percent As People Give Up On Looking For Work

I am not wondering about anything. Only the Republicans are stupid enough to think that voters are falling for their crap. It took eight years to get into this mess and now they think that it can be cleaned up in four years. Give me a break. Please hurry up November. The GOP has become the party of liars thanks to S. Palin and the rest of the idiots. They have no concept of how the real world works period.
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Unemployment Rate Falls To 8.1 Percent As People Give Up On Looking For Work

The democrates have worked for years to help the little guy and their families only to get these helping hands chopped off in the name of conservancy. when you give a small tax cut to the least of us and then charge them full price for services that were free or at a reduced cost that is budget repair onthe backs of those who can least afford it. It is time America wakes up to this and recalls the NO party knuckle heads before they damage our nation any further. Smart alac politics should have ended with Bush ... No right thinking peron should allow them to gut the services to those who need them. Shame on those that take that road to balance the budget. My America was never selfish or petty until the ditto head mentality was spread all in the name of conservacy. Time after time, Democrats stepped up to take the tough actions needed to prevent economic collapse while Republican­­s buried their heads in the sand.
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