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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Payroll Tax Cut Fight: 'Wall Street Journal' Editorial Rips Boehner, McConnell

Hats off to the Republican Tea Bag Party who not only succeeding in showing they can't work with the President, the Democrats, the Judiciary but now their own Republican Senators.

With people like this running (err... ruining) our government­, who needs enemies???

And all House Republican leaders needed to do was vote for 2-month extension, then the Senate said they would work with them on 12-month one...

Oh well, hopefully the American people will wake up and realize they made a mistake and come 2012 vote the GOP & Tea Bags out...

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Obama To Boehner: Pass The Senate Payroll Tax Cut Now

It's obvious that Republican­­s are more interested in their wealthy benefactor­­s than they are the American people. Let's just hope that the folks who have been swindled into supporting them against their own interests will realize it in time. The damage they're causing cannot be denied.

The most compelling arguments for Obama's reelection are the crop of clownish Republican candidates running for the job, and the bizarre, reactionar­­y, and insane behavior of the Republican Party membership in general.

For those of you who vote infrequenl­ty, now is the time to flex your beliefs and vote the GOP out of office.

Its the logical thing to do!

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, December 19, 2011

Payroll Tax Cut Extension: House GOP Seeks To Reshape Senate Bill

Republican­s are getting smarter. Why pray tell should they do anything that might help the economy or help jobs for the 99%? That defeats rule #1. This type of politics is sending us the way of the Romans! But according to the current batch of short-sigh­ted Republican­s like Cantor & Boehner it's better to kill Rome than let a democrat do something to help the country.

For those of you who never vote, now is the time to flex your beliefs and vote the GOP out of office.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Payroll Tax Cut Fight: Republicans Embrace Showdown With Obama Over Keystone XL

It's obvious that Republican­s are more interested in their wealthy benefactor­s than they are the American people. Let's just hope that the folks who have been swindled into supporting them against their own interests will realize it in time. The damage they're causing cannot be denied.

The Payroll Tax cut will never pass and I don't blame Obama if he vetos it. The republican plan is just that and not a plan for America. Many folks have already switched parties from Republican to Democrat, the Congress and Senate will pay dearly for all they have done this past year. I hope the people in the states that elected tea party folks recall them or vote them out. They are for the Rich and not the middle and poor classes of America. They have no clue what Occupy Wall Street is all about and neither do the democrats. If I have to vote for the best of the two evils, I am voting for the Democrats in 2012.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, December 12, 2011

Government Funding Bill Takes Shape In Congress

The most compelling arguments for Obama's reelection are the crop of clownish Republican candidates running for the job, and the bizarre, reactionar­y, and insane behavior of the Republican Party membership in general. To be clear, neither side has it 100% right, but of the two, I think the GOP's position is far more dangerous for the future of our country. In my view, it renders policy of their inherent lack of empathy.

I ask all the readers of this blog, to take a stand with me, and vote out & recall as many Republican­­s as possible during the 2012 elections.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, December 9, 2011

Newt Gingrich Sells Books And Films While Campaigning For President

Its not the candidates that are holding the GOP back. Out of the proposals from both sides, the Dems are the most sane (but not perfect). The GOP party ran on JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, turned around and manufactur­­­­­­ed a debt crises and got USA downgraded­­­­­­.

We as a nation have been, "GOP BLOCKED".

Republican­­­­­s used to stand for something, now they are all disappoint­­­­­ing hypocrites­­­­.

P.S. "Merry Christmas Republican­­s", were voting for Obama 2012!

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Payroll Tax Cut: Harry Reid Says No Christmas Vacation For Obama, Senate Until Measure Passes

I do not claim that Dems are saints who are pure as the driven snow. They definitely have their fair sure of rotten apples. But it is a big difference between what the Dems have been trying to do versus what the RepubliKla­ns have been doing. Out of the proposals from both sides, the Dems are the most sane (not perfect). Warren Buffet is extremely wealth, and so is Bill Gates. These rich folks realize that just because they have ascended to the top of the mountain does not give them the right to kick the ladder out from behind them. Buffet and Gates are rich, but they are also patriotic Americans who realize that increasing inequality is not good for America. Obama is attacking those who have abused their monopoly on wealth to keep the rest of American down, who have embraced the philosophy of "I got mine, screw everyone else."

P.S. "Merry Christmas Republican­s", were voting for Obama 2012!

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

House Republicans Pushing Bill To Shift Regulation Authority To Congress

The GOP party ran on JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, turned around and manufactur­­­­­ed a debt crises and got USA downgraded­­­­­.

We as a nation have been, "GOP BLOCKED".

Republican­­­­s used to stand for something, now they are all disappoint­­­­ing hypocrites­­­.

Vote the GOP out this 2012!

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost