I really don't see that the GOP has much to negotiate. I think Obama has consistently been the mature adult in this mess. The GOP, which seems to be three entities: the Tea Party, the religious right and the professional moderate Republcans, has been chaotic at best and a little irrelevant at it's worst. I think it's a fight the GOP, on many levels, is not equipped to win.
I think the president has a solution. I think the GOP, for a lot of reasons, has built it's platform on obstruction. Because of that, I expect the President to hold firm. I don't think the GOP idea is better. I think it's the best they can offer right now.
I'm what you might call rich. We don't pay more. There are a ton of people in this country who run out of quarters at the end of the month. I don't. I also don't demonize the poor or the unemployed. No one wants to be either.
The tax cuts initiated in the Bush era were the beginning of the red ink. Tax rates for the wealthy need to return to pre-bush levels. When a gentleman like Romney pays 13% marginal, it's time to reset.
As to evading taxes, the rich can afford top notch accountants and contribute generously to the congressional effort to set taxes.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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