Boehner & most Repubs have chutzpah on the subjects of taxes & spending! The key reasons why the US debt roughly tripled in the last 12 yrs are:
Repub promoted tax cuts that caused Fed revenues to fall dramatically (by about 1/3 per capita income tax adjusted for inflation);
2 undeclared wars that weren’t paid for;
other Repub spending they didn't pay for like Medicare Part D.
Repubs are like criminals who murder their parents and want Court mercy because they're orphans. Repubs deserved Voters’ ridicule and nothing more. Interest rates today are the lowest in 700 yrs, and the US is the only Country in the world that can finance its debt with its own currency. Countries buying US debt have no better place to invest.
Average incomes of the bottom 90% of Americans has fallen to 1966 levels. In current dollars, annual incomes of the top 1% of Americans went from $4mill when LBJ was President to $22mil today. In 2010 (the 1st year of the Obama recovery), 37% of the increase in income in the US went to 15,600 households.
Repubs tax policies favor creating privatized systems that redistribute wealth upward. The reason people at the top dis so well and now should pay a larger share of income taxes than others is the incomes of those at the top grew at enormous rates after their tax burden was lowered from the time when Reagan was President.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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