The republican party is hell bent on disadvantaging the poor and middle class in this country and if 800 million dollars doesn't get them there, they have other ways of ruining the economy with the power that remains..
Imagine what E I G H T - H U N D R E D - M I L L I O N - D O L L A R S, could do if it were actually spent on good, rather than pure evil..
It's odd that he needed people to vouch for Romney’s character and make him seem likable. Something like that should come naturally. Not in a note from Epstein's mom.
Look up 'empty suit' in the dictionary and you'll see Romney's picture. I'm talking to you, the Obamically deranged...please turn off Limbaugh and Fox, go outside and see that America hasn't become a socialist apocalypse. I promise not to complain when House republicans’ block everything Obama does, just don't elect Romney as our front man...I'm begging you.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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