Hope vs. Hate, the Middle Class vs. the 1%. The choice is very clear. The trolls are out in full force this morning supporting the 1%. The question is why? When Bush Jr. took the biggest surplus in history and turned it into the biggest deficit, did any of them complain? No. When Bush Jr. started two unfunded wars and took them off the books so America didn't see the real cost, did they complain? No. When Bush Jr. cut taxes for the 1% and the deficit swelled, and no jobs were created, did they complain? No. When Mitch McConnell and John Boehner said their job was to get rid of Obama, even if Congress did nothing, the economy stalled and jobs were lost, did they complain? No. Now they get their "look at the deficit!" talking points from NewsMax and Fox News via the "grass roots" Tea Party funded by the Koch Brothers, the same billionaires who don't want to pay taxes and offshore jobs who are certainly looking out for the best interests. No wonder the right wingers are so angry.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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