The problem with the "Romney" Campaign is not about his "business background" or "business skills" when compared to Obama's. The problem is that I vote on the entire platform.
The republicans unfortunately and willingly have been kidnapped by a "fringe" group. This fringe does not want to compromise, removed flexibility from their leadership by demanding signature pledges on not raising taxes. This same group wants only to address gay marriage, birth control (so when they want to "take back our country", they want to take it back to the '50's), abortion, global warming, evolution, the birther issue, 2$ a gallon gasoline, Obama's a Muslim, Obama wants to destroy America and promote world order... whew!
Romney sold his soul to this group to get the republican nomination .. and now he's stuck. He may be a qualilfied candidate, but his platform does him in for me.
Our economic problems ( and yes that is the key issue) from joblessness to national debt to our interdependence with the world economy demand novelty and flexibility not rigid and mindless negativism that consistently lump all attempts at solving our problems under the really old bugaboo of – dare I say it – socialism.
If Rob-mey wins, America loses
http://seekingadventurequest.blogspot.com/Read the Article at HuffingtonPost