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Friday, September 28, 2012
Florida Voter Registration Issues Involving GOP Vendor Spread Statewide
After all the GOP noise about voter fraud and the only proven case is by them! Too funny!
“Corruption and hypocrisy ought not to be inevitable products of democracy, as they undoubtedly are today”regarding the Republican Party.
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Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Mitt Romney And The RNC: Reince Priebus And Company Could Make Or Break Candidate
Average # of filibusters per yer 1969 to 2009 = 18
Filibusters used in the last 3 1/2 years = 281
The Republicans are known as the, “The Grand Obstructionist Party”
"Our number one priority is to make Obama a one term President" ~ Mitch McConnell Jan 2009
The Republicans not only created this recession, they have done everything in their power to perpetuate this recession.
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Monday, September 24, 2012
Mitt Romney, On 60 Minutes, Cites Emergency Room As Health Care Option For Uninsured
The problem with the "Romney" Campaign is not about his "business background" or "business skills" when compared to Obama's. The problem is that I vote on the entire platform.
The republicans unfortunately and willingly have been kidnapped by a "fringe" group. This fringe does not want to compromise, removed flexibility from their leadership by demanding signature pledges on not raising taxes. This same group wants only to address gay marriage, birth control (so when they want to "take back our country", they want to take it back to the '50's), abortion, global warming, evolution, the birther issue, 2$ a gallon gasoline, Obama's a Muslim, Obama wants to destroy America and promote world order... whew!
Romney sold his soul to this group to get the republican nomination .. and now he's stuck. He may be a qualilfied candidate, but his platform does him in for me.
Our economic problems ( and yes that is the key issue) from joblessness to national debt to our interdependence with the world economy demand novelty and flexibility not rigid and mindless negativism that consistently lump all attempts at solving our problems under the really old bugaboo of – dare I say it – socialism.
If Rob-mey wins, America loses
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Thursday, September 20, 2012
Mitt Romney Video Sends Capitol Hill Republicans Running For The Hills
Could someone explain why they would vote for Romeny and Lying Ryan?
These two are truly the bottom of the barrel.
The bottom line is that the American people see this candidate for what he is. Then he chooses a running mate that has ties to the congress that drove up the debt and blames it all on President Obama. Sure Obama has made mistakes, what President hasn't? He has not delivered on all his promises, what President has? Romney can't even talk about his business success (Bain), his time as govenor, the past gop President or release his taxes. The gop plan to sacrifice the economy, by not working with Obama, to regain power at the expense of the people is backfiring as it should.
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Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Mitt Romney Offers Full-Throated Attack On Obama's 'Redistribution'
So Romney thinks seniors, military, and minimum wage workers believe they are victims, not responsible, and want to live off the government. I'm guessing my nephew after three tours in Afganistan and Iraq who is getting an education subsized my the Army won't be voting for Romeny. I guess my dad a WWII vet who gets government help from the VA won't be voting for Romney. And I, who have never taken a dime from the govenrment, have started and ran a family business, and believe in many conservative principles won't be voting for him.
I'm not thrilled with President Obama, but as a registered voter I think our next four years will be safer, better economically, and faired under the present President.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Mitt Romney Video: Barack Obama Voters 'Dependent On Government' (UPDATED)
The idiocy of Romney's comments are reflected in the fact that less than 2% of Americans are on welfare. Many low-paid workers, retirees and military personnel are in that 47% and are not losers who consider themselves victims. This type of talk is inflammatory and is geared towards making richer people think that those who make less than them are somehow deficient. Not everyone can make a high salary but most proudly go to work every day and do they need to to support their family.
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Mitt Romney Video: Barack Obama Voters 'Dependent On Government' (UPDATED)
Every time Romney, or for that matter, Ryan, opens his (their) mouth(s), I get more and more anxious to cast my vote for President Obama and Vice President Biden.
This is America, and if you don't care for all, then you have no business running..
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Monday, September 10, 2012
Mitt Romney Condemns Chicago Teachers Union Over Strike
Romney will end unions in the USA so that everyone earns the minimum wage and the wealthiest Americans get more wealth. Then, the wealthiest Americans will deposit their funds in overseas banks to avoid taxes OR perhaps they will use their funds to open factories in China so as to make even a higher profit. The future for the wealthiest Americans looks very bright, if the GOP remains in control!
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Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Mitt Romney's Swiss Bank Account Hammered By Democratic Convention Speakers
Hope vs. Hate, the Middle Class vs. the 1%. The choice is very clear. The trolls are out in full force this morning supporting the 1%. The question is why? When Bush Jr. took the biggest surplus in history and turned it into the biggest deficit, did any of them complain? No. When Bush Jr. started two unfunded wars and took them off the books so America didn't see the real cost, did they complain? No. When Bush Jr. cut taxes for the 1% and the deficit swelled, and no jobs were created, did they complain? No. When Mitch McConnell and John Boehner said their job was to get rid of Obama, even if Congress did nothing, the economy stalled and jobs were lost, did they complain? No. Now they get their "look at the deficit!" talking points from NewsMax and Fox News via the "grass roots" Tea Party funded by the Koch Brothers, the same billionaires who don't want to pay taxes and offshore jobs who are certainly looking out for the best interests. No wonder the right wingers are so angry.
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Monday, September 3, 2012
Bain Capital-Controlled Companies' Employees To Speak At Democratic Convention
Better off today than in 2008? Let's see:
1. Gaining 100,000 jobs per month average, better than LOSING 700,00 per month - check.
2. Stock market gained from 6K to over 13K on Dow Jones Industrial Average - check.
3. Most deportations of criminals in history - check.
4. Out of Iraq and wrapping up Afghanistan - check.
5. Not in a Great Depression or a recession - check.
Yes, we ARE doing better. We can only lament how much better off we would be if the GOP behaved like adults and helped out versus obstructed at every opportunity...
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Mitt Romney's Convention Speech Gets Tepid Response: Gallup
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T-thaddeus at 09:05 AM September 03, 2012
Obama SUCCEEDED in stopping the bleeding from the train wreck in 2008.
The GOP did nothing but filibuster everything they could to slow our momentum down to where we have a slow recovery now hoping that ignorant fools would blame Obama.
I will give Obama a second chance with a Republican controlled house that no longer has
there feet dragging. GOP representatives need to stop blocking him every step of the
Stop the madness, lets vote the treasonous Republicans out of office.
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Saturday, September 1, 2012
Tampa Strip Club Offers Window Into Challenges Facing Both Parties
The republican party is hell bent on disadvantaging the poor and middle class in this country and if 800 million dollars doesn't get them there, they have other ways of ruining the economy with the power that remains..
Imagine what E I G H T - H U N D R E D - M I L L I O N - D O L L A R S, could do if it were actually spent on good, rather than pure evil..
It's odd that he needed people to vouch for Romney’s character and make him seem likable. Something like that should come naturally. Not in a note from Epstein's mom.
Look up 'empty suit' in the dictionary and you'll see Romney's picture. I'm talking to you, the Obamically deranged...please turn off Limbaugh and Fox, go outside and see that America hasn't become a socialist apocalypse. I promise not to complain when House republicans’ block everything Obama does, just don't elect Romney as our front man...I'm begging you.
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