President Obama has not failed as President. He has been admirable in his accomplish
ment in view of the political war the GOP has declared against him to stop him from being President one more term. Watch the GOP walk up to the disaster of failing to allow a national debt increase by August.
You would have to be an idiot not to know the power in the GOP and the Tea Baggers are the old Dixiecrats who reregister
ed as Republican
s and brought the old Southern States Democratic Party view points with them. They have even announced they will do what ever it takes to keep President Obama from being President one more term
You do not see the GOP refusing to accept the aid America gives to the disasters that have occured in the Southern States. They do prefer to reject aid to the poor, the uninsured, the uneducated et al. And they respond well to the lobbying efforts of the so called American companies that have sent the jobs to other countries. And those so called American companies try to not pay for any share of the cost of the info structure as they use the water; electricit
y; education; health care; roads, transpiort
ation; bridges. Those companies will okay local government
s paying for the locations they use and being allowed to not play taxes and see nothing unfair as their workers pay the taxes for all that.
http://seekingadventurequest.blogspot.com/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZixCUSzKBJARead the Article at HuffingtonPost
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