Barack Obama is the most successful president we've had since FDR. He killed Osama Bin Laden, he saved the auto industry, he brought health care to an additional 40 million Americans and he is refusing to let the USA get sucked into wars all over the globe, most notably in Libya. Mitt Romney is just a typical Republican
: hate on Obama, despise the poor and the middle class, get tax breaks for millionair
es, hate on and reject immigrants
, stick his Republican nose into women's bodies and attack Medicare and Social Security. Mitt Romney won't be happy until all public sector workers are homeless and on food stamps. He despises the middle class exactly like all other Republican
s. The fact that 50% of Republican
s believe the earth is 6,000 years old and that global warming doesn't exist is just icing on the cake. Mitt Romney shares all those views.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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