What a moronic bunch of miscreants that the GOP has for a line-up. I guess just trying to follow in the worst Republican administra
¬tion in the country’s history really has narrowed down the field to the hopeless, the hapless and the homophobic
¬. So the Republican
¬s do what they do so well. Lie, and run away.
I just can't wrap my head around what republican
s are thinking. Kept on this course, their entire political party will all but evaporate in 2012; as their indefensib
le political position will only highlight their true colors -- along with who they truly serve. The GOP has been predictabl
¬e for decades. They sell fear, bigotry, and comforting – yet empty – buzz phrases to their increasing
¬ly under-educ
¬ated support base.
I ask all the readers of this blog, to take a stand with me, and vote out & recall as many Republican
s as possible during the 2012 elections.
http://seekingadventurequest.blogspot.com/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZixCUSzKBJARead the Article at HuffingtonPost
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