The GOP has been predictabl
e for decades. They sell fear, bigotry, and comforting – yet empty – buzz phrases to their increasing
ly under-educ
ated support base. In return, their voters get more and louder us vs. them rhetoric, which is all their base really wanted in the first place – a home team that looks like them. Forget the building and strengthen
ing of this nation for all Americans now and in the future, just give them increasing
ly dumbed down irrelevanc
y that can hurl insults. No substance required. After a while, even their base can't justify enough reasoning or excitement to push their own candidates
. It's a plan to nowhere, GOP & you've arrived at your destinatio
If Republican
s want to see Obama get reelected then either nominate Palin, Gingrich, Pawlenty, or Paul to run against him.
Let’s see if you're that stupid!
I ask all the readers of this blog, to take a stand with me, and vote out & recall as many Republican
s as possible during the 2012 elections.
http://seekingadventurequest.blogspot.com/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZixCUSzKBJARead the Article at HuffingtonPost
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