These facts range from the year 2000-prese
1. Tom Delay (R-TX) money laundering
2. Joe Wilson (R-SC) formal rebuke by the House
3. Bob Ney (R-OH) bribed by Abramoff, pleaded guilty to conspiracy
4. Larry Craig (R-ID) resigned, guilty, lewd conduct in a men's restroom
5. Mark Foley (R-FL) resigned, sending sexually explicit emails
6. Duke Cunningham (R-CA) guilty, accepting 2.4 million in bribes
7. Bill Janklow (R-SD) convicted, manslaught
er for running a stop sign, killing a motorcycli
8. Lewis Libby (R) perjury & obstructio
9. Alphonso Jackson (R) resigned under FBI investigat
10. Karl Rove (R) improper political influence over government decision-m
11. Lawyergate
-dismissal of U.S. Attorneys controvers
y; 11 R-official
s resign
12. Bush White House email controvers
y, 88 officials used (RNC) web servers, hiding & deleting emails
13. Lurita Alexis Doan (R)-confli
ct of interest & violations of Hatch Act
14. Jack Abramoff (R) guilty, bribery
15. David Safavian (R) guilty, blocking justice & lying
16. Roger Stillwell (R) guilty, falsely certifying he did not receive reportable gifts
17. Susan B Ralston (R) resigned, accepting gifts & passed informatio
n to Jack Abramoff
18. J Steven Griles (R) guilty, obstructio
n of justice
19. Italia Federici (R) guilty, tax evasion & obstructio
n of justice
20. Jared Carpenter (R) guilty, income tax evasion
I ask all the readers of this blog, to take a stand with me, and vote out & recall as many Republican
s as possible during the 2012 elections. the Article at HuffingtonPost