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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

How Would The Paul Ryan Budget Handle Disaster Relief?

Jon Divine at 4:45 AM October 30, 2012

I HAD trusted moderate Bush in 2000 who turned out to be enemy of the middle class. For last forty years, the republicans have talked of no new taxes and nailed the middle class one way or the other. During the Bush years we ended up paying more in the property taxes, utilities and much more because Enrons in cohouts with the Republicans ripped us off. It seemed there were no new taxes at the federal level, but we paid anyways. WHAT DO YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN AGAIN? Read this.

Why we must pay attention and vote? Romney has plan for further tax cuts for rich people at the expense of the middle class. Therefore any means of acquiring knowledge will be taxed heavily if the republicans gained power. You can expect the following:

1. Fees for every email

2. Fees for access to the information highway.

3. Fees for he tweet.

4. Fees for any online services.

5. Fees for posting your opinion online.

6. Fees for new avatar.

7. Fees for blogs

Yes, the purpose is to restrict any free exchange of information among people. All those fees will go towards the tax cut for rich. How else can Romney promise it? How else would he pay another 2trillion$ for his Defense budget?

When Katrina hit, Bush was in Phoenix celebrating John McCain's birthday.

When Sandy hit, Obama was in the situation room meeting with FEMA.

Thank God for Obama.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Election 2012: Romney, Obama Head To Their Debate Prep Corners

I have one question for Republicans and those who plan on voting for Romney next month. Why is he losing so badly in his own state, Massachusetts? Badly enough that the GOP has already conceded the state to Obama. Wouldn't the very people who have been governed by Romney know him best? Pretty damning testimony I would think.

The only people that will vote for Romney are his fellow millionaires...and those that are foolish enough to think that he cares about you if you aren't one.

The conservative wackos of the GOP insist on driving forward by looking in the rear view mirror.

By the way, how did that special meeting held the day Obama was inaugurated turn out? Imagine that, the ink not even dry on swearing in ceremony and the GOP was plotting to "make him fail" according to Mitch McConnell.

And now these self-professed idiots want to complain about results? The ultimate chutzpah!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, October 19, 2012

Larry Summers Slams Romney Tax Plan: 'It's Just Not Possible'

Right, Obama saved the American economy from total Free Fall caused by George The-Worst-President-Ever Bush. Obama killed Osama Bin Laden not long after Bush and Cheney failed to do so for about 7 years. Obama liberated Libya without putting American boots on the ground. Obama saved the American automotive industry.Romney was in favor of putting American auto workers out to dry. Romney expressed contempt for 47% of all Americans. Romney and Lyin' Ryan want to give tax breaks to the wealthy, soak the middle class, and change Medicare into Voucher-Care. No wonder the electorate is leaning toward Obama.

"Can you blame them"!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, October 8, 2012

Mitt Romney Closes Gap In Presidential Polls

Oil companies keep the gas price high just to make more money and give any excuse to raise the price and keep it high again just to make more and more profit.

Gas in Saudi Arabia: 53 Cents per gallon. Gas in USA – California: $4.75 per gallon

Oil companies are making huge profits with high gas prices, artificially inflated by themselves with the help of our politicians who do nothing.

According to Open Secrets, here are top 10 politicians (including a presidential candidate) and the amount of money received from oil companies: Is this a coincidence, most of them happen to be Republicans? Look at Mr. Mitt Romney at the top, taking $2,206,735.00!

1Romney, Mitt (R) $2,206,735

2Perry, Rick (R) $951,174

3Dewhurst, David H (R-TX) $725,030

4Berg, Rick (R-ND) House $386,949

5 McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) Senate$358,200

6 Boehner, John (R-OH) House $351,299

7 Cruz, Ted (R-TX) $351,100

8 Rehberg, Denny (R-MT) House $338,269

9 Hatch, Orrin G (R-UT) Senate $322,900

You can't blame the president directly for gas prices. Odd, though, that we all seem to be at the mercy of them. when the economy is good, they raise prices. When we took a hit at the end of the Bush admin, they lowered them. now that it looks like Obama is going to get elected, they raise them to maybe make him look bad or to stall recovery. They don't care. They have us by the short hairs!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Obama-Romney Debate: Mitt Romney Stays Light On Detail

Romney to Americans: If you don't like your health care insurance, switch. If you don't like your kid's public school, send them to a private one. If your home gets destroyed by a hurricane, move to your second home. If you don't want your taxes to increase, make more money. Yadda yadda yadda, and more of the same. How do people not see through this?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, October 1, 2012

New 2012 Polls Show Little Change In State Of Race

Romney is the worse choice for me; The guy with his finger on the military button would have magic underwear on and be committed to continuing the despicable tear down the separation of religion and state started by his predecessors, thus making him a theocratic fascist in my book. Plus, his foreign policy is just a Neo-Con 2.0 sort of policy. A more robust Military presence, more wars? No thanks...

I don't take anything for granted. Not at all. We know the GOP, will do anything to win a election. They almost destroyed the country to make sure President Obama does not win a second term. Now they are trying to change voter i.d. laws, which by an large affect urban voters..
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost