Oil companies keep the gas price high just to make more money and give any excuse to raise the price and keep it high again just to make more and more profit.
Gas in Saudi Arabia: 53 Cents per gallon. Gas in USA – California: $4.75 per gallon
Oil companies are making huge profits with high gas prices, artificially inflated by themselves with the help of our politicians who do nothing.
According to Open Secrets, here are top 10 politicians (including a presidential candidate) and the amount of money received from oil companies: Is this a coincidence, most of them happen to be Republicans? Look at Mr. Mitt Romney at the top, taking $2,206,735.00!
1Romney, Mitt (R) $2,206,735
2Perry, Rick (R) $951,174
3Dewhurst, David H (R-TX) $725,030
4Berg, Rick (R-ND) House $386,949
5 McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) Senate$358,200
6 Boehner, John (R-OH) House $351,299
7 Cruz, Ted (R-TX) $351,100
8 Rehberg, Denny (R-MT) House $338,269
9 Hatch, Orrin G (R-UT) Senate $322,900
You can't blame the president directly for gas prices. Odd, though, that we all seem to be at the mercy of them. when the economy is good, they raise prices. When we took a hit at the end of the Bush admin, they lowered them. now that it looks like Obama is going to get elected, they raise them to maybe make him look bad or to stall recovery. They don't care. They have us by the short hairs!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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