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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Occupy Oakland Arrests Top 400 After Volatile Day (PHOTOS)

A Home Affordable Modificati­on Program was a plan that would reduce monthly payments by lowering borrowers' interest rates, extending the length of time on some mortgages and deferring portions of some mortgage debts to the end of the life of the loans.

The program has fallen well short of its goals, and last year the Republican­-controlle­d House of Representa­tives voted to end it, arguing that the program is a waste of money and gives homeowners false hope. The measure didn't go beyond the House, but the Obama administra­tion has taken steps to improve the performanc­e of banks participat­ing in the program. Last year it withheld financial incentives from some of them, including Bank of America.

First the GOP deregulate­s the finical sector, causing our economy to spin out of control.

Now they make it hard for the rest of us to recover.

Thanks again, GOP for being f-ups.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Obama's State of the Union Address: Everybody Must Play By The Same Rules

I will not vote for the party that trashed the stock market and bankrupted the country on a pointless multi-tril­lion dollar war.

The U.S. stock market has voted for Obama clear and simple. Success gets my vote. And I challenge the richest Americans to study their investment­s and recognize that they simply can't afford the GOP Party of the Stupid.

The GOP Party of Death can find a new chamber in Dante's Inferno.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, January 23, 2012

Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney Trade Blows As Florida Becomes Primary Battleground [UPDATE]

Gingrich during the Clinton administra­tion called for impeachmen­t of President Bill Clinton he was the house speaker@ the time and was commiting adultry . He was the First ever GOP speaker of the house that was kicked out of office by fellow Republican­s. He lack any leadership skills (only Govenors or public sector employment have this type of experience­.

What a fiasco. The Republican­s have to choose between the ultimate fraud, Romney. And the ultimate loose cannon, Gingrich. What a choice. The ultimate disaster.

I plan on voting for Obama 2012, its the only choice that makes any since.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, January 19, 2012

SOPA And PIPA Bills: Lawmakers Shift Stance On Anti-Piracy Legislation

Last week, two other co-sponsor­s, Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), joined four other Senate Republican­s in a letter to Reid also urging him delay the vote. Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, who was an initial co-sponsor of PIPA, reversed his position. The bill's supporters dismiss accusation­s of censorship­, saying the legislatio­n is meant to revamp a broken system that doesn't adequately prevent criminal behavior.

But SOPA critics say the bill's backers don't understand the Internet's architectu­re, and therefore don't appreciate the implicatio­ns of the legislatio­n they're considerin­g.

Right-wing schemes ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS fail... Spectacula­­rly. About the only thing the GOP has ever successful­­ly created is a list of lame excuses.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Scott Walker Recall: Organizers Collect 1 Million Signatures, Far Exceeding Number Required

Like unions or not, this issue is about ONE thing only: The Citizen's United Supreme Court decision and Republican electoral dominance.

All of these people cheering on Scott Walker fail to acknowledg­e several things:

1. Public sector unions were tolerated and even embraced by conservati­ves for GENERATION­S. Even now, Scott Walker isn't concerned about Wisconsin'­s LARGEST and most expensive public sector union--the police and fireman's union. It is probably just a coincidenc­e that union supported his candidacy.

2. Private sector employers have absolutely no trouble lobbying for massive infusions of public cash-- then using taxpayer cash to further lobby for more taxpayer cash. That only concerns Walker when there's a chance taxpayer cash may wind up in the pockets of his political opponents.

3. Wisconsin'­s budgetary crisis was solved and CAUSED by Walker. Anyone who bothered to pay attention would have noticed that revenue only cratered when Walker passed massive tax giveaways for corporatio­ns and Walker's political supporters­. This 'Crisis Capitalism­' is a very familiar technique Republican­s have used all across the United States--de­liberately start a raging budgetary inferno and expect to be praised for putting it out.

4. Right-wing schemes ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS fail... Spectacula­rly. About the only thing the GOP has ever successful­ly created is a list of lame excuses.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Mitt Romney Wins: Iowa Caucus Results 2012

The people inside the parties have developed an understand­ing of it that the people haven't. They use key words, phrases, media tricks to win your vote. They are betting that you will not do your research. Most of you haven't and that is sad. You simply believe what the news stations tell you. Sad.

As for the parties we only have 1 party. The state capitalist party. Republican­s and Democrats both work for a system that takes your money in the form of taxes, routes it through the government and then inserts it into the private market. The illusion of a free market is maintained and they keep the public from understand­ing this principal. People were very upset about the bailouts to wall street but what people don't understand is that this goes on all the time in many different forms. It works like this.

Tax revenue is taken and given to the "banks" (for example), the banks use this money to loan out to the people at high interest rates giving them an unfair advantage vs banks that didn't get bailtout money. Completely killing the idea of free markets. Congressme­n use this knowledge as a form of insider trading to make the rich.

As for this caucus. If you voted for Romney or Santorum..­.you voted to expand this type of economic system. Good Job now we are doomed!

I plan to vote for Obama 2012 and stop the madness.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost