"In God We Trust" The Republican
-led House passed a bill 396-9 to reaffirm the motto on Tuesday -11-2-2011
, with sponsor Rep. Randy Forbes (R-Va.) saying it was needed because "there are a number of public officials who forget what the national motto is, whether intentiona
lly or unintentio
This is what our Congress has been wasting America’s time with.
GOP ran on JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, turned around and manufactur
ed a debt crises and got USA downgraded
Millions unemployed
1 in 4 homes under water in debt the day Obama took office.
nt 7.8% and rising day Obama took office.
Average age of infrastruc
ture is 48 years and everyday that goes by without rebuilding America will cost USA more in the long run.
Is it any wonder that the GOP/Grover Norquist cult has the lowest rating in history at less than 9%?
http://seekingadventurequest.blogspot.com/Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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