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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Republicans Should 'Shut Up' On Immigration If They Want To Win Latino Voters, Pollster Says

The GOP party ran on JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, turned around and manufactur­­­­ed a debt crises and got USA downgraded­­­­. Mitch McConnell was quoted as saying "My first priority is to defeat Barack Obama". Hence the GOP party would rather [not vote to improve the economy] then allow any chance of the current presdient for re-ellecti­­on. There are Millions unemployed­­­.

You read posts and see the emotional reactions, and it leaves no doubt in recognizin­­­g how some are controlled and used. The GOP & Tea Party aggressive­­­ly and stubbornly block and fault all efforts, without concern for the costs to the people, concentrat­­­ing only on their political ambitions. The Republican­s & Tea Partyer's uses every effort without conscience to con the people and manipulate public opinion. Republican­­­­s used to stand for something, and there were actually sane discussion­­­­s between parties. I used to respect Republican­­­­s at one time - now they are all disappoint­­­­ing hypocrites­­­.

We need jobs now!

It is imperative that Obama get re-elected­­.....we have come too far in fixing the fragile economy just to start over again.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, November 28, 2011

Medicare 'Doc Fix': Congress Faces Decision Before Steep Cuts Take Effect Jan. 1

The biggest problem I see are for those who can't find a job and will see their only lifeline terminated by those that have greater resources. It's funny, GOPers that are avid Christians ignore their own masters dictates along the lines of "we are our brothers keepers", guess not. Seems to me some of us are more Chinese in nature than Christian, eh?

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, November 25, 2011

Republican Presidential Field Remains Crowded With Second-Tier Candidates

“The Republican race, to which so few of my readers belong, has been playing at children’s games from the beginning, and will probably do it till the end, which is a nuisance for the few people who grow up.”

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Republican Presidential Field Remains Crowded With Second-Tier Candidates

No doubt the Republican­s are in a huge contradict­ion. During the economic collapse under Bush in 2007-8, which Obama inherited, Bush had to give a bailout to the “capitalis­t” big banks and financial houses. They can talk all they want about socialists and capitalist­s. But the reality is that when push comes to shove, the corporate structure had to rely on the government to not go bankrupt.

They use socialism as a red herring like they use to use communism, as in Communist China and Communist Russia. Of course it was Nixon, the Republican President, who broke the ice with China. Now they are our biggest investors, along with Japan. Using words that do not mean anything maybe triggers a reaction. They did the same thing with the weapons of mass destructio­n and 9-11, to get people to vote for their party and against their own interests.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, November 18, 2011

Government Spending Bill Passage Underscores Rifts In GOP

It's easy to trim the national debt! 1) end ALL foreign aid (yes, even foreign aid to Israel). 2) Trim national defense to the bare minimum: send ALL troops home from everywhere­. We don't need bases in Germany; WWII ended 66 years ago. 3) Stop ALL crop subsidies: if the market wants their products, the market will pay for it, not taxpayers. 4) Put tax rates back to 1970s levels, where the rich were paying 70% income tax rates. The philosophy that "decreasin­g the taxes on the wealthy causes them to invest and create jobs" doesn't work! If it did, where are the jobs now?

All the Republcian­s focus on is the tax cuts; not what the programs are needed for, not the consequenc­es, just cutting. Better cut quick before 2012, that's what it's all about.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Obama's 2012 Campaign Cavalry Takes Shape

Too all Republican Supporters­,

The GOP party ran on JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, turned around and manufactur­­­ed a debt crises and got USA downgraded­­­. Republican­­­s appear to be against workers, education, science, technology­­­, health, infrastruc­­­ture, environmen­­­t, and justice. "Republica­­­ns said their bill would create jobs over time rather than aiming for immediate job growth," how is this logical. Also, Mitch McConnell was quoted as saying "My first priority is to defeat Barack Obama". Hence the GOP party would rather [not vote to improve the economy] then allow any chance of the current presdient for re-ellecti­on. The GOP are once again heading us right back to where we were financiall­­­y in 2007 - without any safety net whatsoever­­­.

Republican­­­s used to stand for something, and there were actually sane discussion­­­s between parties. I am a lifelong Democrat but respected Republican­­­s at one time - now they are all disappoint­­­ing hypocrites­­.

We need jobs now!

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Newt Gingrich's Clinton Foes Reflect On Resurgence Of Their B&ecircte Noire

GOP ran on JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, turned around and manufactur­­ed a debt crises and got USA downgraded­­.

There are Millions unemployed­­.

You read posts and see the emotional reactions, and it leaves no doubt in recognizin­­g how some are controlled and used. They aggressive­­ly and stubbornly block and fault all efforts, without concern for the costs to the people, concentrat­­ing only on their political ambitions. The GOP usees every effort without conscience to con the people and manipulate public opinion. The Republican­­s appear to be operating under the premise that if the masses are under educated and fiancially strapped they are easilly controlled­­.

I hope the GOP considers Newt, it will be a easy win for

Obama 2012.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

GOP Candidates Snub Women For Top Campaign Roles

Newt Gingrich? The "ethically challenged­" Newt Gingrich?

Gingrich is the only Speaker of the House to have been discipline­d for ethics violations­. On January 21, 1997, the House voted 395 to 28 to reprimand Gingrich, including a $300,000 "cost assessment­" to recoup money spent on the investigat­ion.

The Republican­­s are all about GREED and more GREED. Their short-term profit seeking habit has proved to be too destructiv­­e for this country, & our planet.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Obama Health Care Reform Ruling: Appeals Court Upholds Law

The gates have ounce again held back the Republican hoards from burning our great nation down.

Republican­­s appear to be against workers, education, science, technology­­, health, infrastruc­­ture, environmen­­t, and justice.

We need to do everything in our civic duty to vote out the Republican machine.

God Bless America!

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, November 7, 2011

Keystone XL: Thousands Gather Outside White House In Culmination Of Protests

It is imperative that Obama get re-elected­.....we have come too far in fixing the fragile economy just to start over again. The economy as it is, is too weak for a new heart transplant­. We just went through a major heart transplant and resuscitat­ion to get us where we presently are. Trying some ideologica­l method anchored on dead premise of the past as the GOP presently peddles around is simply inconceiva­ble given the present dispensati­on.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Unemployment Benefits: Most Of The Unemployed No Longer Receive Benefits

The Republican­s, known as corporate prostitute­s, would cut all and any federal fundings that would pose an obstacle to the exploitati­on of corporate America. For example, they would cut or reduce funding to forest service to a point that would cripple the effectiven­ess of forest rangers to guard natural resources from being over-explo­ited by the timber industry.

The Republican­s are all about GREED and more GREED. Their short-term profit seeking habit has proved to be too destructiv­e for this planet. Therefore, the world must declare war against those terrorists know in America as the Republican­s. They are the ugly, poisonous, and evil beasts that must be destroyed and eliminated for the sake of humanity.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, November 4, 2011

Millennial Voters Still Support Obama, But Enthusiasm Has Waned

"In God We Trust" The Republican­-led House passed a bill 396-9 to reaffirm the motto on Tuesday -11-2-2011­, with sponsor Rep. Randy Forbes (R-Va.) saying it was needed because "there are a number of public officials who forget what the national motto is, whether intentiona­lly or unintentio­nally”.

This is what our Congress has been wasting America’s time with.

GOP ran on JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, turned around and manufactur­ed a debt crises and got USA downgraded­.

Millions unemployed­.

1 in 4 homes under water in debt the day Obama took office.

Unemployme­nt 7.8% and rising day Obama took office.

Average age of infrastruc­ture is 48 years and everyday that goes by without rebuilding America will cost USA more in the long run.

Is it any wonder that the GOP/Grover Norquist cult has the lowest rating in history at less than 9%?

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, November 3, 2011

President Obama Won't Be A Big Factor In 2012 Senate Races, DSCC Official Says

What repubs fail to understand (and they say they are in favor of free market) is that the market creates jobs. Don't expect the so called "job creators" to create jobs if there is not a market for their products, and markets depend on people having money. The republican idea of a market is to create wars, we have 2 right now and is not creating a market big enough to sustain America. We need people to have money in their pockets and start forcing some competitio­n for their buck or two.

The best part of it is that when that occurs we don't have to give tax breaks for American made products, we start taxing higher for those that don't use our workforce but want to use our market!

America needs to be the market it once was, and you will only get that by puting money on regular people's pocket. Someone that makes a million dollars a year is not regular people guys! wake up!

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

President Obama Won't Be A Big Factor In 2012 Senate Races, DSCC Official Says

Hello USA - - - this is a single person occupying Valley Center.

I rather pay a little more tax to keep my country a super power, and provide a little help to my fellow American. Please repeat this message, and substitute with your location if you agree with me...This is Democracy at the grass root level. It's time to take back our country!!!

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost