ns said their bill would create jobs over time rather than aiming for immediate job growth." Right. First, it's not a jobs bill at all; it's a laundry list of ideologica
l talking points. Second, of course they say it's a long term plan. They've clearly stated that their priority is beating Obama, not providing immediate jobs. Immediate jobs means a plus for Obama, not to mention millions of Americans who need jobs and are losing their homes.
The bush tax cuts - the single largest factor over ten years in exploding the national debt - are still in place. That, too, was a "long term plan." Result? No jobs, the wealthy minority continue to accumulate massive wealth and corporatio
ns are sitting on trillions of dollars. Where are the jobs? Now the GOP wants even more tax cuts and subsidies for large corporatio
ns. Sheer madness.
To gain political advantage the GOP wants even higher unemployme
nt and escalating foreclosur
es, with no thought or compassion for Americans who are losing their jobs, homes, savings, retirement funds, and their future. If killing the American dream will help them beat Obama, then that's what they'll do.
Mitch McConnell: "My first priority is to defeat Barack Obama [not to improve the economy]. My first loyalty is to my party [not to help the millions of Americans who struggling and suffering in this country]."
http://seekingadventurequest.blogspot.comRead the Article at HuffingtonPost
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